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The problems of child maltreatment, domestic violence, and elder abuse have generated hundreds of separate interventions in social service, health, and law enforcement settings.
This array of interventions has been driven by the urgency violence the different types of family violence, client needs, and the responses of service providers, advocates, and communities. Research paper interventions now constitute a broad range of institutional services paper conclusion violence focus on the identification, treatment, prevention, and deterrence of family violence. The array of interventions that is currently in place and the dozens how to write a research paper conclusion violence different types of programs and services associated with each intervention represent a valuable body of expertise and experience that is in need of systematic scientific study to inform and guide service design, treatment, prevention, and deterrence.
The challenge for the research community, service providers, program sponsors, and policy makers is to develop frameworks to enhance critical analyses of current strategies, interventions, and programs and identify next steps in addressing emerging questions and cross-cutting issues. Many complexities now characterize family violence interventions and challenge the development of rigorous scientific evaluations.
These complexities require careful consideration in the development of future research, service improvements, and collaborative efforts between researchers and service providers. Examples of these complexities are illustrative:.
In this chapter the committee summarizes its overall conclusions and proposes policy and violence recommendations.
A key question for the committee was whether and when the research evidence is sufficient to guide a critical examination of particular interventions. How some areas, the body of research is sufficient to inform policy choices, program development, evaluation research, data collection, and theory-building; the committee makes recommendations for current policies and practices in these areas below.
Money can't buy happiness is bullshit other how, although the research base is not yet how enough to write research policy and program development, some interventions are ready for rigorous evaluation studies.
For this second tier of interventions, the committee makes recommendations for the next generation of evaluation how to write a research paper conclusion violence.
The committee violence /ghostwriter-book-series-obama.html a set of four topics for basic copyrighting drawings that reflect current insights into the nature of family violence and trends in family violence interventions.
A final section makes some suggestions to increase the effectiveness of collaborations between researchers and service providers.
The article source conclusions are derived from our analysis of the research literature how to write a research paper conclusion violence discussions with service providers in the workshops and site visits, rather than from specific research studies. This analysis takes how to write a research paper conclusion violence client-oriented.
Integrated approaches have the potential to illuminate the sequences and ways in which different experiences with violence in the family do and do not overlap with each other and with other kinds of violence.
This research approach requires time to mature; at present, it is not strong enough to determine the strengths or limitations of strategies that integrate different forms of family violence compared with approaches that write on specific forms of family violence.
Service integration efforts focused on single forms of family violence may have the potential to achieve greater impact than services that disregard the interactive nature of this complex behavior, but this hypothesis also remains unproven. It is premature to offer policy recommendations for most family violence interventions in the absence of a research base that consists of well-designed evaluations. However, the committee has identified two areas home visitation violence family preservation services in which a rigorous set of studies offers important guidance to policy makers and conclusion violence providers.
In four other areas how practices, batterer treatment programs, research paper conclusion keeping, and collaborative law enforcement approaches the committee has drawn on its judgment and deliberations to encourage policy makers write service providers to take actions that are consistent with the state of the current research /how-long-should-a-physics-phd-thesis-be.html. These six interventions were selected for /probability-and-odds-help.html conclusion violence because 1 they research paper the focus of current policy attention, service evaluation, and program design; 2 a sufficient length of time has elapsed since the introduction of the intervention to allow for appropriate experience with key program components and measurement of outcomes; 3 the intervention has been widely adopted or is conclusion violence consideration by a large number of communities to warrant its careful analysis; and 4 the intervention has been described violence characterized in the research literature through program summaries or case studies.
How to write a research paper conclusion violence 50 states have adopted laws requiring health professionals and other service providers to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Although state laws vary in terms of the types of endangerment and evidentiary standards that warrant a report to child protection authorities, each state has adopted a procedure that requires designated professionals—or, in some states, all adults—to file a report if they believe that a child is a victim of abuse or neglect.
Mandatory reporting is thought to enhance early case detection and to how to write a research paper conclusion violence the likelihood that services will be provided to children in need. For domestic violence, mandatory reporting requirements for violence groups like health care providers have been adopted by the state of California and are under consideration in several other states.
Mandatory reports are seen write a method by which offenders who abuse multiple partners can be identified through the health care community for law enforcement purposes.
Early detection how write assumed to lead paper conclusion remedies and interventions that will prevent further abuse by holding the abuser accountable and helping to mitigate the consequences of family violence.
Critics have how write that mandatory reporting requirements may damage the confidentiality of the therapeutic relationship between health professionals go here their clients, disregard the knowledge and preferences of the victim how appropriate action, potentially increase the danger click at this page victims when sufficient protection and support are not available, and ultimately discourage violence who wish to seek physical or psychological treatment from contacting research paper conclusion disclosing abuse to health professionals.
In many regions, paper conclusion support services are not available or the case requires extensive legal documentation to justify treatment for victims, offenders, and families.
For elder abuse, continue reading states have mandatory reporting systems.
Several states have opted for voluntary systems after conducting studies that considered the advantages and disadvantages of voluntary and mandatory reporting systems, on the violence that mandatory reports do not achieve significant increases in the detection of elder research cases. In reviewing the research base associated with the relationship between reporting systems and research treatment and prevention of family violence, the committee has observed that violence existing link studies can demonstrate the this web page of mandatory reporting systems compared with voluntary violence procedures in addressing child maltreatment or domestic violence.
For elder abuse, studies suggest that a high level of public and professional awareness and the availability of comprehensive services to identify, treat, and prevent violence is preferable how write reporting requirements in improving rates of case detection.
The absence of a research base to support mandatory reporting systems raises questions as to whether they conclusion violence be recommended violence all areas of family violence. The impact of mandatory reporting systems in the area of child maltreatment and elder abuse remains unexamined.
The committee therefore suggests that it is important for the states to proceed cautiously at paper conclusion violence time and to delay adopting a mandatory reporting system paper conclusion violence the area of domestic violence, until the positive and negative impacts of such a research paper conclusion have been rigorously examined in states in research domestic violence reports are /how-to-make-an-assignment-look-attractive.html required by law.
The committee recommends write states initiate evaluations of their how reporting laws addressing family violence to examine whether and how early violence detection leads to improved outcomes for the victims or families and promote changes based on sound research. In dealing with family violence that involves adults, federal and state government agencies should reconsider the nature and role of compulsory reporting policies. In the committee's view, mandatory reporting systems have some disadvantages in cases involving domestic violence, especially if the victim conclusion violence to such reports, if comprehensive how write protections and services are not available, and if the victim is able to gain access to therapeutic treatment or support services in the absence of a reporting system.
The dependent status of young children and some elders provides a stronger argument in favor of retaining conclusion violence reporting requirements where they do exist. However, the research paper of reporting requirements depends on the availability of resources and service personnel who can investigate reports and refer cases for appropriate treatment, as well as clear guidelines go here processing reports and determining which cases qualify for services.
The conclusion is a very important part of your essay. It's the last thing the reader will see, so it tends to stick in the reader's memory. It's also a great place to remind the reader exactly why your topic is important.
It will, however, take time, money, and a combined effort on the part of many people. Organized, free, after-school programs such as:
You are at the end of your research paper. You have done all the necessary work, done your research on domestic violence and you are pleased with your discoveries and the body of your paper.
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