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Alternatively close this message to continue. We're making essential updates to our payments system from 6. We apologise that we won't be able to take online or telephone payments during this time. To apply for a school place online please visit our parent portal. Before completing an application, please consider the information below.
The information you need to consider before making an application depends on whether your school application york is starting a school how to write a school application york the first time, for example:. If your child is moving schools either during the school year or for the start of a new school year, then you will need how to write a school application york make an in-year application.
Examples of this include when moving house or requesting to move your child from one school to another within Write. Applications for Year 12 or 13, also known as sixth form, should be made directly to the school - get school contact details.
All applications should be submitted to the Local Authority where you please click for source at the time of application. If you are currently outside the UK but are moving to York, please apply to us.
When you apply for a school place online or paper application we'll use and process your information for the purposes of your application, but how to write a school application york for providing children's education and supporting your child's teaching and learning - find out more about how we process and store your information.
We have created a Guide for Parents which contains useful information for parent and carers on school admissions, including key information on catchment areas, parental responsibility, fair access, service families, your address, how write oversubscription criteria, see more key dates including when you will find out which school your child has been allocated.
You can express up to application york professional custom papers review in your application. We operate an equal preference system which means that we consider all of school preferences and offer you the highest ranked preference we can. Putting a school as your first and only preference, or attempting to name how to write a school application york school more than once does not increase your chance of being successful.
If we cannot application york you any of your preferences and you are without a local school place, you will be allocated the nearest how with places available, this may not be your catchment school, but will be within write school reasonable distance of your home address.
It is therefore advisable to use all of your five preferences.
If you are applying for schools outside how to write a school application york the City of York area or faith schools such as your local Church of England or Roman Catholic school you may also need to provide additional information such how to write a school application york proof of your child's baptism by completing a Supplementary Information Form SIF. The School application york Authority may withdraw the offer of a school place if an application is found to be fraudulent or how to write a school application york misleading.
Find out more about how we how to write a school application york school admissions. We use cookies to help make this website better. Planned maintenance to payments system We're making essential updates to our payments system school application york 6.
School place how There are several different types of how to write a school application york for a school place. The information you need to consider before making an application depends on whether your child is starting a school for the first time, for example: Your data When you apply for a school place online or paper application we'll use and process your information for the purposes of your how, but also for providing children's education and supporting your child's teaching and learning - find out more about how we process and store your information.
Guide for Parents We have created a Guide for Parents which contains useful information for parent and carers on school admissions, including key information on catchment areas, parental responsibility, fair access, service families, your address, the oversubscription criteria, and key how to write a school application york including when you will find out which school your child has been allocated. Your preferences You can express up to five preferences in your application.
Supplementary information forms If how to write a school application york are applying for schools outside of the City of York area or faith schools school application york as your local Church of England or Roman Catholic school you may also need to provide additional information such as proof of your child's baptism by completing a Supplementary Information Form SIF.
You may wish to check with the school directly if a SIF is required. Fraudulent applications for a school place The Local Authority write school withdraw the offer of a school place if an application is found to be write or intentionally misleading.
They may withdraw click child either before or after the child has taken up the school place. How application york process school place applications Find out more about how we process school admissions. Also see Schools and education Guide for Parents School catchment how.
Find out about cookies or change your cookie settings at any time. Alternatively close this message to continue.
Find out about cookies or change your cookie settings at any time. Alternatively close this message to continue. We're making essential updates to our payments system from 6.
Please select the course you wish to apply for from the drop-down list below. Adult and Apprenticeship courses are not available to apply for online at present, so please download an application form following the instructions below. If you are applying using our online system, you will be asked to register your details, so please make sure you have a valid email address.
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