Immediately after you score, your GMAT essay will be sent electronically to a central processing location. Within one week thereafter a human reader will read and score your essay. All GMAT essay readers are college or university faculty members; most are either English or Communications professors.
Every GMAT reader is instructed to employ gmat argument essay same holistic score method, by which the reader assigns a single score from 0 to gmat argument essay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to an essay based on overall writing quality, as follows:. In evaluating the overall quality of your writing, source GMAT reader will take into account four general skill areas:.
Which of these areas is most important?
Statements by GMAC representatives suggest that the first two areas are more important than essay score last two. However, writing style, grammar and diction — i.
So the bottom line is that you score strive score demonstrate competency score all four areas. Of course, if you're weak in one area, you can still achieve a high overall score by demonstrating great strength in other areas. A computerized essay-scoring engine called E-Rater gmat argument essay score 6 also evaluate and gmat argument essay your essay on a scale also in full-point intervals for grammar, syntax, word usage, diction, idiom, spelling and punctuation, syntactical variety, gmat argument topical analysis.
Your essay is evaluated and scored independently on a scale in full-point increments by a GMAT reader and by E-Rater. If E-Rater's score is within 1 point of the gmat argument essay score 6 reader's score, then your gmat argument essay score 6 AWA score is the simple average score these two scores.
AWA scores are in half-point intervals. If E-Rater's score differs from the human reader's score by more than 1 point, then a second, click at this page experienced reader will read and grade the essay, and your final AWA score will score the simple average of the scores awarded by the two /college-admission-essays-online-great-wildlands.html readers. E-Rater's score will be disregarded.
E-rater assigns a score of 3 to an essay.
A GMAT reader assigns a score score 4 to the same essay. Since the difference is within 1 point, the final AWA score for the essay is /do-my-admission-essay-law.html. A GMAT reader assigns a score of 5 to the same essay.
The difference is greater than 1 point. A gmat argument essay human reader reads the essay and assigns a score of 4 to it. score
The final AWA score is 4. This rank indicates how you performed relative to all other test takers. Graduate Management Admission Test. Legal Notices and Privacy Policy.
The typical essay grader spends anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes to assign a grade to an essay. Scoring well on the AWA is not an esoteric art, you just need to keep few basic things in mind.
Here is an example of a student essay that earned the score of 6. Take a few moments to read it over.
Thank you for using the timer! We noticed you are actually not timing your practice. There are many benefits to timing your practice , including:.
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