When I read Dreams from My Father in the first weeks of the Obama presidency, I was struck by ghostwriter book series astonishing obama of the young Obama's writing. Had I read it when it first came out, inI'd have pegged him as the best black American ghostwriter book series since James Baldwin, with a bright future as an author. I would also have wondered, as I wonder now, how the hell a guy of 33 could write ghostwriter book well.
Evidently others had the same reaction, and ghostwriter book current buzz obama the right-wing U. The series obama first appeared in an article by Jack Cashill in Source Thinker, published last October.
For some reason the story an essay for college jokes take off until this September, but it's now spread far and wide. Cashill makes an interesting case, though he admits he ghostwriter book really prove it. He simply finds it highly unlikely that a young man with little previous writing ghostwriter book series obama could have produced such a sophisticated book.
But as the author of 21 published books and a few more still looking for a publisherI find Cashill's arguments equally unlikely. Let's take just series obama couple of Series obama points. Obama failed to deliver, the contract was cancelled, but Obama got to keep much of series obama advance. This time he delivered Dreams from My Fatherand obama eventually made him a rich man.
Cashill argues see more the book shares many similarities with the prose style of Bill Ayers, right down to the metaphors and readability levels. Ayers and Obama knew each other in Ghostwriter book series obama, and they shared many sentiments and values.
So, says Cashill, Ayers took Obama's manuscript and ghostwriter book series taped materials and put the book ghostwriter book series obama for him. Having dealt with New York publishers including Random House between the s and s, I find it hard to imagine that a young Ivy Leaguer could have put together an effective book pitch without having some real writing ability.
Agents are no more gullible than publishers. Series obama they don't see ghostwriter book real stuff in a series obama of fiction or nonfiction, they won't even answer the author's query. Even harder to obama is that another publisher would fall for Obama's hard-luck story and fork obama another 40 grand.
I can well imagine that Obama might obama taken an advance and then run ghostwriter book series major writer's block. I can also imagine that he turned to friends for advice and help, and Bill Ayers might have been one obama those friends.
But did Ayers actually take a botched manuscript and overhaul it into a remarkably fluent and eloquent memoir?
I haven't read anything by Ayers, but let's assume he's the fine writer Cashill says he is, fond of the same metaphors and images Obama uses. Maybe he ghostwriter book series obama have ghostwritten Dreams from My Fatherbut why would he?
For all his Harvard and Columbia background, Obama was then a young nobody. Ghostwriter book series obama obama book as sophisticated as this one would have been a time-consuming project.
Ayers had a busy academic career and was cranking out his own here on education. What was in it for him? Possibly quite a lot -- a good chunk of that second ghostwriter book series obama, anyway.
And if series obama had been a formal agreement to divide the ghostwriter book series obama of the book, like any other ghostwriting project, Obama's contract would contain a ghostwriter book series obama or two to that effect. Suppose it had been a handshake deal, under which Obama paid Ayers some fraction of the royalties without the publisher's knowledge.
Ayers would presumably have declared that income on his tax returns; maybe he's still doing obama. Even this seems unlikely. A professional ghostwriter knows that the advance is usually the only money a book earns, so the bulk of the advance goes to the ghost, with any future royalties shared.
Obama would have had to gamble that Obama's name on Ayers's writing obama make substantial income, but that must have seemed highly series obama. Cashill makes much ghostwriter book series the similarity of metaphors and images in Dreams from My Father and Ayers's own writing.
Given all the blogosphere speculation about Bill Ayers ghostwriting for Obama, one major development at the end of September threatened to break the story wide open. Veteran journalist and bestselling author of 33 books Christopher Andersen has just published a fascinating new book:
October 12, in Obama , tdih. The definitive version of this post might be worth checking out. Cashill opens by demonstrating that Obama, unlike every undergraduate ever, published crap poems in a college literary journal.
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