The Bermuda Triangle is an area near Bermuda triangle wiki many ships, planes and people are said to research on the bermuda triangle wiki mysteriously disappeared, with no trace of them ever being found. Over the years, a mythology has built up around these events, which have been attributed to research every pseudoscientific phenomenon imaginable.
Some commentators use this moniker to refer to a similar area in the Pacific Ocean near Japanbut the latter area is more commonly known as the "Devil's Sea. The mysterious nature of the Bermuda Triangle, if it exists, manifests itself as an unusually high rate of disappearances of aircraft and marine vessels in the area.
Among the research on the bermuda triangle wiki highly publicized events are:. Occasionally the Mary Celeste is lumped in with other Bermuda Triangle mysteries, even though research on the bermuda triangle wiki crew disappeared when it was on the other side of the ocean.
The planes and their 14 crewmen never returned, and no wreckage has ever been located. It is research on the bermuda triangle wiki that the commander of the flight misidentified a group of islands, causing him to erroneously believe that he was over the Florida Keys, rather than well out into the Atlantic Ocean.
/university-of-phoenix-research-papers.html this error, he assumed that the aircraft instrumentation was faulty, and triangle wiki heading out to sea. As the planes continued to stray, radio contact was eventually lost, and the planes likely ran out of fuel. The weather research on the bermuda triangle wiki turned bad, and darkness fell.
In the following days, one of the search planes suffered a fatal fuel-tank explosion en route to the search area. As early aspeople began to notice an unusually high frequency of tragedy in the area of the Bermuda Triangle.
InGeorge X Sands wrote an article in Fate magazine about the phenomenon. Eckert wrote an American Legion article in focusing on Flight Generally, these early accounts merely recount /essay-online-writer-magic.html research on the bermuda triangle wiki without positing supernatural explanations.
InVincent Gaddis wrote an article in Argosy which attached unspecified paranormal causes to the disappearances. Gaddis is generally credited with coining the phrase triangle wiki Triangle," [3] later expanding upon his arguments in the book Invisible Horizons.
Deeringto the legend alongside the more recent incidents recounted by Sands and Eckert. Spencer explicitly theorized that space aliens were /persuasive-essay-education-budget-cuts.html for disappearing planes, ships and people.
In contrast, Winer's spinoff book, The Devil's Triangle followed earlier accounts by presenting the Research as a mystery without explanation. InThis web page Berlitz published The Bermuda Trianglewhich recounted the long research on the bermuda triangle wiki of shipping losses wiki the area, and the bermuda triangle particularly the events of Flight 19, the bermuda heavily on Eckert's earlier article.
While the essential details were correct, Berlitz dramatized the disappearance significantly with speculative dialogue wiki the pilots. While Berlitz's book presented little new information, he crystalized previous triangle wiki into a more coherent narrative than previous authors.
The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Date: December 5, Description:
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