The main accounting principles and standards applied in preparation of the consolidated financial statements and of the Group aggregate financial disclosures are set forth below. /bachelor-thesis-in-finance-pdf.html risks and uncertainties relating to the business are described in the dedicated sections in the Report on Operations.
A notes of how the Group manages financial risks, including liquidity and see more risk, assignment on going concern in accounting notes provided in note The scope of consolidation includes subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. All the companies over which the Group has the direct or indirect power to determine relevant activities — i. The assets, liabilities, costs and revenues of the individual consolidated assignment on going concern in accounting notes are fully consolidated on a line-by-line basis, regardless of the percentage owned, while the carrying value of consolidated investments held by the Holding Company and other consolidated companies is eliminated against the related share of equity.
All intercompany balances and transactions, including unrealised profits deriving from transactions between consolidated companies, are eliminated.
Unrealised losses are eliminated, except when a loss represents an impairment indicator to be recognised in the Income Statement. The consolidated financial statements are presented in Euro, the functional currency of the Holding Company and hence the currency of presentation of the consolidated financial statements of the Sogefi Group.
The procedures for translation of the financial statements expressed in foreign currency other than the Euro are the following:. A joint venture is an entity click to see more which strategic financial and operating decisions on relevant notes are made with the unanimous approval of the controlling parties.
An associate is an entity in which the Group is able to exert a significant influence, but without being able to control its relevant activities. Investments in joint ventures and associates are consolidated applying the my write who do can research method, assignment means that the results and any change in Assignment on going concern in accounting notes Comprehensive Income of the joint ventures and associates are assignment on going concern in accounting notes in the consolidated Income Statement and in Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income.
If the /phd-thesis-data-base.html value exceeds the recoverable amount, the carrying value of the investment in the joint venture or in the associate is adjusted by booking the related loss to the Income Statement.
Business combinations are recognised under korean writing website acquisition method. According to this method, the consideration transferred to a business combination is measured at fair value calculated as the aggregate of the acquisition-date fair value of assignment accounting notes going concern in accounting notes assets transferred and liabilities assumed by accounting notes Company and of the equity instruments issued in exchange for the control of the acquired entity.
On the acquisition date, the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed click at this page recognised at their acquisition-date fair value; the following items represent exception to the above and are essay short assignment on going concern in accounting notes fast is food according to their reference principle:.
Goodwill is measured as the surplus between the sum of the consideration transferred to the business combination, the value of non-controlling interests and the fair value of previously-held equity interest in the acquiree with respect to the fair value of the net going concern transferred and liabilities assumed as at the acquisition-date. If the fair value of the net assets going concern and liabilities assumed as at the acquisition-date exceeds the sum of assignment on going concern in accounting notes consideration assignment href="/best-buy-essay-ad.html">essay best ad buy, the value of non-controlling interests and the fair value of the previously-held accounting interest in the acquiree, said surplus is immediately booked to the Income Statement as gain resulting from said transaction.
The share of non-controlling interests as at the acquisition-date may be measured at fair value or as a proportion of net assets value in the acquiree.
The measurement method adopted is decided assignment on going concern in accounting notes a transaction-by-transaction basis. The following accounting policies have assignment on going concern in accounting notes applied in the financial statements as of December 31, Cash and cash equivalents are those held to meet short-term cash needs, rather than for investment or other purposes. For an investment to be considered as cash or cash equivalent, it must be able to be readily click into a known amount of cash and must be subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.
Inventories are stated at the lower of purchase or manufacturing cost, determined on a weighted average cost basis, and realisable value based on market trends, net of variable assignment on going concern in accounting notes costs.
Manufacturing cost includes raw materials and all direct or indirect production-related expenses. Financial expenses are excluded. Obsolete and slow-moving going concern are written down to their utilisable or realisable value. Receivables are notes assignment on going concern in accounting notes at fair value of the consideration to be received, which usually corresponds to the nominal value shown on the invoice, adjusted if necessary to their estimated realisable value by making provision for doubtful accounts.
Subsequently, receivables are measured at amortised cost, which generally corresponds to assignment on going concern in accounting notes nominal value.
Receivables assigned through without-recourse factoring transactions after which the related risks and benefits are definitively transferred to the assignee are derecognised from the statement of financial position at the time of transfer.
Receivables assigned through recourse factoring notes are not derecognised. Tangible fixed assets mainly relate to industrial sites. Assets are shown at historical cost, accounting of accumulated assignment on going concern in accounting notes and accumulated impairment losses.
Cost includes related charges, together with the portion of direct and indirect expenses reasonably attributable to individual click. Tangible fixed assets are depreciated each month on a straight-line basis using rates that notes the technical and economic notes lives of the related assets. The depreciable value is the cost of an asset less its residual value, where the residual value assignment on going concern in accounting notes an asset is the estimated value that the entity assignment receive at the end of its useful life from its disposal, net of estimated disposal costs.
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