Supervisor's approval When the content and the form finance pdf your dissertation is approved by your Supervisor, it must be confirmed by their hand written signatures on your thesis page 1. Finishing the digital version bachelor thesis your thesis Before closing your project ensure it is free of typing and editing mistakes, and that all intellectual property of other persons you include in your project is properly /assignment-help-queries-usa.html.
Bachelor thesis project after submission will be plagiarism-checked see point 6. Save your project as two files: Both will be archived in the University project database, which is not open to the public.
bachelor thesis in finance pdf Printing the hard copies of your thesis Prepare two finance pdf copies for the Students' Office. All should be identical with the digital version.
Print two copies double-sided except for the first three pages: All copies should be comb-bound only, with a transparent bachelor thesis cover - no hardback binding.
Please check through the following list before you bring your thesis to the students' office. Only complete files will be accepted. Please fill it in.
The examination includes at least two questions bachelor thesis the examinee on: The first question concerns problems treated in the thesis, the methods employed, bachelor thesis results achieved, and their relation to results of other publications finance the field. The Faculty Council recommended that the second question should concern click here issue finance pdf to the problem area of the thesis, so that bachelor thesis in finance pdf helps determine finance pdf the bachelor thesis in finance pdf has a grasp of the way their thesis is situated within a broader economic context.
The second question, however, should not finance pdf address the thesis pdf but the economic theory on which the project draws. Your final grade is calculated on the basis of three components: These components are weighted as 0.
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They are necessary for the proper operation of mechanisms websites Faculty of Economic Sciences. Thesis submission procedure 1.
Thesis project in 2 copies see point 3. Payment receipt of the degree issue charge PLN. Shortcuts Contact Employees Admissions Cookies.
This document is written by Student [ fill out your Given name and your Surname ] who declares to take full responsibility for the contents of this document. I declare that the text and the work presented in this document are original and that no sources other than those mentioned in the text and its references have been used in creating it. The Faculty of Economics and Business is responsible solely for the supervision of completion of the work, not for the contents.
Furthermore, the student has to make sure that she or he fulfills all necessary requirements of the TUM e. Application for a Bachelor thesis is possible four times a year. Available topics will be posted approximately four to six weeks before the deadlines outlined below.
Students of all degree programs are obliged to submit their final thesis before the final state examination. Since , all defended theses are accessible online in the final thesis catalogue of CULS. A detailed guidebook how to choose a topic is available at the time of choice on the homepage of UIS after login.
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