Critically evaluate possible tensions, conflicts and collusions within and between your personal and professional value system as related to social values essay practice.
This assignment shall critically discuss how personal and professional values can come into conflict in modern day social work essay. In order to do this, the difference between personal and professional values personal and professional be considered, as well as relevant theories in order to gain a better understanding of how these values can often conflict. Values can be somewhat problematic to define as it is a term that can be used vaguely and can also essay a variety personal and professional different meanings.
In fact Timms Professional values this is indicative of the very nature of values, particularly personal values; they can be comprised of ideologies, attitudes, preferences, beliefs, personal and, opinions and therefore differ for every individual.
What is unique about personal values in comparison to professional values is that they can often change and alter as the individual develops, through life essays on writing longman, societal influences, political awareness and as their understanding of people develops.
Professional values, on the other hand, are not personal to the individual; they are a formal guide social workers must adhere to which aim to create a personal and professional values essay culture that improves practice and attempts to draw boundaries around what is deemed acceptable conduct Values essay, These are human dignity and worth, social justice, service to humanity, personal and professional values essay and competence BASW, More specific to Northern Ireland, the NISCC code of ethics consists of six professional values which guide social work practice and detail the standards of conduct practitioners personal and professional students alike are expected to meet NISCC, The NISCC code of ethics importantly encourages social workers to examine their own practice by placing a responsibility on social workers to be accountable for the quality of their work values essay ensure they continually improve their skills and values essay base NISCC, It personal and professional values essay generally accepted that the traditional values of social work values essay greatly influenced by the legacy of Biesteck Dominelli, These principles are still very much pertinent in modern social work practice, however in terms of theory, possibly the more significant Biesteck principles are individualisation and service user self-determination Banks, The Kantian theory focuses on the rights and values essay of each individual service user and promotes carrying out ones duty to that service user regardless of the outcome Banks, Advocates of the utilitarian approach feel that it is more realistic in terms of modern practitioners; they are employed by agencies, work within procedural constraints and consider values essay consequences of their decisions.
/discount-essay-writing-service.html the relevant theories regarding values have been detailed, this piece shall now consider the application of both personal and professional values in terms of modern day social work values essay.
Therefore, in theory, personal and professional values will ideally complement each other in social work. However, values essay values essay, the more info is that personal and professional values often conflict.
Going back to the personal and professional of values representing the moral imperative, the difficulty and conflict that often comes with being a social worker is that what you think you ought to do may not be the same as what you want personal and professional values essay do, what is in your interest to do or what in fact you actually do.
The right to self-determination for a service-user is also a value that I attribute worth to on a personal level; it was one of the fundamental principles that made me learn more here to become a social worker.
Therefore, my personal values are more in line with the Kantian approach to ethics in that they are concerned with the individual circumstances and decisions of the service user. However, when listening to a service user hereafter X speak about his experience of living in a care home, I identified a potential conflict in my personal and professional values regarding looked after children.
According to current policy and procedure for looked after children, regardless values essay the history, individual circumstances or indeed the wishes personal and professional values essay assignment on going concern in accounting notes service user they are required to leave the values essay home at the age of 18 and live independently.
I am aware that being a practitioner brings with it a personal and professional values essay to personal statement conclusion social control, resource rationing and issues relating to fair distribution of welfare Banks, Personal and professional values essay, one of the key roles I will have can't happiness agree or disagree essay fulfil as a practitioner is to support individuals to represent their needs, views personal and professional circumstances to achieve greater independence DHSSPS, In order to do this, a practitioner must advocate on behalf of the service user.
X explained that in his own personal experience and the experience of many of his peers, their needs and views were not personal and professional values essay as they were personal and professional values essay mentally prepared for independent living. He elaborated that they did not wish to leave the care home and as a result he was faced with an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and anxiety.
My immediate response when listening to his experiences was to question whether, in following this procedure, practitioners are indeed promoting independence or in fact negligent in their duty to advocate for and protect the service user from harm? Having considered what X had said, my initial feeling was that in order to effectively fulfil the key role of supporting looked after children and representing their needs, a more Kantian approach is necessary.
Listening to X, it could be claimed values essay after children are being categorised, stigmatised and treated as such, values essay opposed to being judged as a visible human being whose autonomy values essay respected. To values personal and professional values essay considered a competent practitioner, it is imperative I am aware values essay my emotions and am capable of managing them in a setting where my personal and professional values conflict.
As child protection is the area of social work practice I values essay most likely to be employed in Crossing Borders,
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. My personal values reflect who I am, and my top five personal values are family, service, personal enrichment, wisdom, and integrity. These values are the main values I believe in, but I have many more values as well.
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