Dream trip use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Japan is my dream vacation destination, because I am interested essay my dream trip Japanese culture, foods, spa, unique cities, fashion, and technology.
First, I like the culture. They have a holiday named: On that day, almost families buy a kimono Japanese traditional costume for their daughter, and the young girls, who become mature, will typically go to a nearby shrine and pray for health, success, dream trip, etc… Also, I love Japanese food, like tofu, sushi, miso, soba…,which is one of essay my dream trip healthiest and most delicious in the world.
It provides a different outlook about food, which cannot be compared with others country food. One more special thing in Japan is the spa.
Dream trip a spa, the interior decoration make you feel comfortable and so relax; moreover, they use trip hot water which comes from a volcano and it contents mineral. In addition, the Tokyo city, capital of Japan, is one of the busiest cities in the world. It is modern and extremely crowded; however, it still has a lot ancient essay my dream trip. One more thing that I am interested in Japan is special style of fashion.
I believe that Japanese has essay dream own unique style which cannot be found elsewhere in the world.
You essay my dream trip know what kind of ideas they are going to come up with, or what they are going to put on their clothing, and what kind of hair style they are going to set up. Finally, Japan technology, which is in very high position, is usually among top 3 in the world.
They have created a lot of things which are helpful and durable like cars, cameras… To me, Essay my dream trip is a essay my dream trip where you can experience old traditions and high-technology all in one.
This country essay dream full of mysteries and I will discover them. There are some of the reasons that make Japan my dream vacation destination. Accessed December dream trip, We will write a custom essay sample on My Dream Vacation specifically for you.
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Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Dream trip, I am Sara from Studymoose Hi there, would you dream trip to get such a paper? Your Answer is very helpful for Us Essay my dream trip you a lot!
When you travel, you find no religion, no language, no color, you follow yourself as a human. How I get Inspired? Every time I meet people, I get inspired from them.
Documents Flashcards Grammar checker. My Dream Do you have a dream? Everyone has a dream, and my dream is to travel around the world.
For many people, it is a hard choice to pick the most beautiful and exciting country of a dream. For my own part, as far back as I can remember, it has always been Japan, a mysterious country with centuries-old history, culture and traditions, the land of samurais and geishas, motherland of Murasaki Shikibu, Matsuo Basho, Haruki Murakami Kanzaki M.
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