During a loan modification program or workout, your for loan how write service provider may request that you modification a hardship letter. This letter is a key document in the effort to avoid foreclosure and outlines the issues that are affecting your ability to pay your mortgage. Use our free sample letter loan modification hardship template to help you get started. Keep reading below for a free sample hardship letter for loan hardship letter for and links /apa-reference-page-format-example.html other resources.
Jon Wittwer and Brent Weight License: As you are aware, we are currently 5 months behind on our mortgage payments. While we are behind on our payments, we modification a strong desire to keep our home.
Therefore, I am writing this letter to request your assistance with helping us work through a modification modification. Under normal circumstances we can easily meet our mortgage obligations.
However, these last 8 months have found us in difficult times. I was let go during a round of layoffs 8 months ago. Despite my efforts, I was not able to modification additional employment until last month. Additionally, my wife suffered complications from a car accident she was how to write hardship letter for loan modification 7 months ago which left us with substantial medical and insurance bills.
We used the unemployment benefits and our savings to pay our mortgage for the first 3 months but article source found ourselves unable to make our payments and have fallen how and further behind.
While we cannot immediately pay what we owe you, we do intent to pay the full amount. However, we will need your source to develop a plan to help us achieve this.
We believe that we are through the worst of these difficult times as I am now fully employed and we only have 2 payments left on our medical bills. We would appreciate your help in working out a reduction of the amount we owe the bank so we can keep our home.
This sample hardship letter describes a typical hardship case of unemployment and unexpected medical bills. We appreciate your time and willingness to help us.
Sincerely, Bill Stevenson Janet Stevenson. The content on this page is intended for educational use and not to be construed as legal or professional advice.
This Hardship Letter Template can help you start getting your finances back in order. Use it to help you write a letter of hardship for read article modification write hardship letter working with your mortgage visit web page. This template and the sample hardship letter below are of course only meant to be used as general examples.
Your situation will be unique.
This letter explains the difficult situation which caused me to fall behind on my mortgage payments. I would like to be considered for a loan modification to decrease my payments, fix my interest rate at a lower rate, and recapitalize or forgive the delinquent payments in order to get me caught up and prevent future delinquency. My main goal is to keep my home for the long term.
The Home Affordable Refinance Program ends in less than 30 days! Are you one of the remaining homeowners eligible for HARP?
A hardship letter is a key factor in getting approved for a loan modification program. If you can write a polite and accurate hardship letter, you may be able to convince your lender to give you another chance to repay your loan.
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