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Turn on thread page Beta Toggle. How much time do you spend on a word essay?
Start new discussion Reply. Follow 1 I am a first year University student hours studying History and I am just wondering how long it takes you to write an essay.
The majority 2000 word essay how many hours my essays are around words long. I know that I 2000 word essay how many hours personally complete a word essay within one day if I put my mind to it. But procrastination is my downfall. How long does it take you to complete an essay?
Follow 2 Original post by jack Here am a first year University student currently studying History and I am just wondering how long it takes you /graduate-thesis-ubc.html write an essay.
2000 word essay how many hours Posted on the TSR App. Download from Apple or Google Play. This forum is supported by: Flog a dead horse What is only socially acceptable at Christmas? Teacher arrested for cutting students hair. Mom calls me ugly and stupid.
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It depends on a whole lot of things. A dissertation would usually be in the region of 12, words, and university assignments can stretch to essays of 5, words.
Last year I interviewed a few of my mature students and one of the things that struck me about how they worked was the length of time they spent on their essays. As teachers surely we should have some expectation of how much work we are asking for?
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