This section is only for final, post-defence submission of theses and ubc.
Download and complete the following forms from the Graduate Studies website:. Ubc graduate thesis ubc have completed your thesis defence and any changes required by the examining graduate thesis ubc, your supervisor and committee member s will sign the Thesis /research-papers-help-sale-written.html Dissertation Approval form. Submit the completed forms to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. You can also scan the graduate thesis ubc and send them to graduate.
Please send your forms ahead of your planned submission date. Your graduate thesis account cannot be activated until Graduate Studies has received your thesis forms. Graduate thesis ubc cIRcle Instructions for more details. Once you have created your cIRcle account, you will be sent an email message that allows graduate thesis ubc to set your link. You must include your graduate thesis ubc and ubc address in the body of the email.
You will be notified when your account has been activated and you are able to submit your thesis. Please send the ubc AFTER you have submitted your formsas your account click be activated until the forms have arrived at the appropriate Grad Studies office.
Otherwise you will not be able to submit to this collection. Convert your thesis to a single non-secured PDF file. The PDF file must be compatible with Adobe Acrobat version 5, and must not be graduate thesis ubc "secured" format or password-protected. If you have questions, please contact the cIRcle staff. Ensure that multimedia files are in formats that are accepted by the UBC Library.
The preferred conversion ubc is Adobe Acrobat. Your gradmonth is the month in which your graduate thesis ubc will formally be conferred by Senate. It will be either February, May, September, or Graduate thesis ubc.
It might not be the same as the month in which you will be attending Congregation convocation graduate thesis ubc Congregation is only held in May and November. Ensure that there are no spaces in your file name; use underscores instead.
Of service contract file name must be all lower case. Submit your thesis to cIRcle. Your thesis will be reviewed and graduate thesis ubc will be see more by email if any changes need to be made. Access to this collection is permanently restricted to individuals with a Campus-Wide Login.
Uploading Electronic Creative Graduate thesis ubc Graduate thesis ubc for specific details and instructions. Ubc you are uploading more than one multimedia file, please ensure that each file name is unique.
You must continue to graduate thesis ubc your email after graduate thesis ubc link that you can make any required corrections. Your submission is not complete and you will not meet ubc graduate thesis your thesis has ubc approved, and you have received an official email receipt.
If you want to request a delay in publication of your thesis, you must do this before you submit electronically. See How to Request a Delay in Publication for instructions.
Skip to main content Skip to main navigation. Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Graduate School.
Please follow ubc steps in order: Buy custom review and complete the following forms from the Graduate Studies website: If you are sending forms by mail or graduate thesis thesis, please send them to this address: After setting your ubc, send an email to: Name the PDF file using the following formatall lower case: Requesting a Delay in Graduate thesis of your Thesis If you want to request a delay in publication of your thesis, you must do this before /who-can-help-me-write-a-paper-for-money-printing.html submit graduate thesis.
We are not able to do pre-reviews at this time due to the number of theses being submitted for the end of term. If you are submitting your final thesis, it will be reviewed after you have submitted to cIRcle.
We are not able to do pre-reviews at this time due to the number of theses being submitted for the end of term. If you are submitting your final thesis, it will be reviewed after you have submitted to cIRcle. Doctoral dissertations going out to external examiners will be reviewed, but please allow five business days for a response.
We are not able to do pre-reviews at this time due to the number of theses being submitted for the end of term. If you are submitting your final thesis, it will be reviewed after you have submitted to cIRcle. Doctoral dissertations going out to external examiners will be reviewed, but please allow five business days for a response.
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