Login Board games are old, but have you ever wondered how ancient games still played today However this modern ancient games still was a descendant of ancient games still played today earlier game called Chaturanga.
Chaturanga originated in Played today, though some argue for China, sometime around CE.
This version had the same checkered board, but used 4 divisions ancient games still played today pieces starting in the corners of the board. Throughout its life and in all of its iterations Chess has been a game of pure strategy, and remains world renowned for the complexity it offers. Based around forming ancient games still played today piece lines that allow the removal of opponent pieces, the game resembles a combination of noughts and crosses ancient games still played today checkers.
The game is compared to chess, although it is larger and based on adding pieces to create complicated spreading arrangements. It was one of the four arts considered ancient games still played today for any cultured aristocrat to master, the others being painting, calligraphy, and playing the Guqin.
Credited by multiple sources as being Egyptian in origin, it is also known as Draughts. Checkers rules vary considerably by region, with over twenty local variants acknowledged. These modern Senet games use rules pieced together from fragments of text spanning a thousand years, and likely differ ancient games still played today from the original.
Board games article source old, but have you ever wondered how old?
People have been playing games in some form since the earliest civilizations first arose over 5, years ago. Nearly all of the games on this list were played by the first civilizations such as the Ancient Sumerians from Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptians. Although the exact rules of these ancient games have been lost, historians have been able to piece together and reconstruct gameplay so people can play them today.
Did you know that some of your favorite childhood games are actually thousands of years old? Boredom is nothing new, and people have entertained themselves by playing board games for millennia.
Some of these games have been around for over years, and although some have disappeared from history, archaeologists have worked tirelessly to discover the rules. Even King Tut had a copy—it spent around three millennia lingering in his tomb before modern archaeologists got their hands on it. The elegant strategy game required armies of black and white pieces to duke it out across boards made with wood, marble, stone, or silver.
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