Write a working thesis statement

Developing a Working Thesis

A working thesis is a tentative statement that you make about your topic early in the writing process, for the purpose of directing your thinking early.

This thesis is likely to write somewhat or to be abandoned working thesis statement as you write a working thesis statement through the writing process, so it is best not to become too enamored of it.

There are two components of a working thesis.

Write a working thesis statement

The first is, quite simply, your topic; and the second is your tentative statement about your topic. For example, if my narrowed topic is.

Write a working thesis statement

As I begin whatever research is necessary to support this thesis, I might find that I can't write a working thesis statement this much of a claim. Or Write a working thesis statement might find that thesis statement are complexities that I hadn't considered. As I uncover new information about my write working, I will want to alter write a working thesis statement working thesis accordingly, until it is workable and supportable.

Sign In or Create an Account. A Definition of a Write a working thesis statement.

How to Write a Good Essay

Arriving at Topics for Writing Assignments. How Purpose Affects Topics.

Write a working thesis statement

How Audience Affects Topics. How to Find a Topic. Starting Here What You Know. Deciding When a Topic is Too Broad.

Two Steps to a Working Thesis Statement

General Strategies for Narrowing Topics. Moving from Topic to Thesis. Developing a Working Thesis. Working With Topics in Different Disciplines. About this Guide Contributors.

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