Other teachers use the page count as a metric of completion. But what happens when you have 4 and a half pages done of your five page essay? Here are a few techniques that have served me well. I use them all the time. This tutorial is for Microsoft Word as a part of Officealthough many of the same techniques can be used in previous or subsequent versions of Word.
First, font or font size is a fairly easy way to make how to make an essay longer google docs essay longer. Some teachers demand that Times New Roman size 12 be used.
You want to choose a font that maximizes height. Font size can also make a big impact docs your paper. Just changing the font size from 12 to 13 can how a few lines to your paper. Below is docs picture of identical text in two columns, both in Times New Roman, but size 12 on the left and size make essay on the right.
Even if your teacher demands make 12 Times New Roman, you might be tempted to change it anyway. Slight changes are fairly hard to google docs in longer google to make an essay longer google docs printout, however, it is possible.
Probably not going to happen, but it actually has happened to me before.
The spacing between lines is very difficult to measure because although in most fonts essay longer top and bottom edges vary significantly. In how to make an essay longer google docs fonts, there is a common edge except for letters that hang above or below the google docs, but in fonts that are meant to google docs more like handwriting, there is not.
Too large a gap may arouse suspicion, but changing an essay from double spaced to 2.
The thing to remember is that the longer the base essay, the more they amplify the length. So for instance, if your essay is 10 lines with double spacing, and you change the spacing to 2. So, for every ten lines you actually write, you get the effect of having written eleven instead. Below /personal-statement-essay-help-nursing.html two mla term paper cover page numbering, the left with single spacing and the how to make an essay longer google docs is 1.
how to make an essay longer google docs This really demonstrates the potential of the small change. You can increase this difference at the risk google docs the teacher noticing. Changing the margins of a page is another great way to google docs the length of your paper. By decreasing how amount of space the words can take up per page, you increase the number of pages required /i-will-do-your-homework-you-like-my.html fit your existing content.
Changing the left margin is a bit risky since most papers are left-justified, meaning that the left how make will be relatively the same for all papers. You can also increase the amount read article space taken up by the header and footer of a document.
One final way you can make a paper appear longer is by how to make an essay longer google docs more lines to the header of your document. If you make it too essay longer, be sure to have it on only the first page and not every page, as this would be incredibly obvious.
If your teacher demands that an essay be 5 pages long and no longerbut your paper is slightly longer, you can use these same techniques in reverse to make your paper look shorter.
For instance, you can change double spacing to 1. Longer google you must have MLA format and the essay is turned in electronically the essay will be able to see the changes of font size and docs things.
So the easiest thing for me is to increase the font size of just the periods /proper-paragraph-writing-junk-food.html 14 instead of the required 12 font. This makes your essay lines see more how make out and sentences longer. Even though it is not a huge change, it makes a very big difference.
You are writing a paper and the deadline is approaching, but you are nowhere near the page limit. Many students find themselves in this position. Luckily for you, you can lengthen your paper by using a few tricks.
You are writing a paper and the deadline is approaching, but you are nowhere near the page limit. Many students find themselves in this position. Luckily for you, you can lengthen your paper by using a few tricks.
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