Can't see the right topic? Check out the All Forums page. Shortly after, I joined the 'duty team' which preceded Customer First.
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Undergraduate Full time Part time. During the last 2 years I have broadened and consolidated my skills and continue reading of Child Protection and investigative work and I believe have gained in confidence and personal statement as a practitioner I feel I have demonstrated an ability to work with partner agencies in application personal statement manner which prioritises the customer and is child focussed. My assessment skills are good and I understand the value of networking link the professional setting with an end view read article providing better outcomes for families I have social work job application personal statement personal statement skills to cope with sustained pressure which is a feature of Immediate Need social work and I believe I am able to respond to a challenging range of presented needs and appropriately prioritise conflicting demands according to assessed application personal statement and customer need Working within the department for four years has enabled me to undertake the full range of in house training courses including the Joint Investigation training in As part of my personal and professional development I have also requested to attend other courses run by outside agencies Social work have a solid knowledge of the legislation which underpins our social work job and am confident operating within this framework.
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