The Merchant of Venice was written by William Shakespeare and includes a number of smaller stories linked together to produce one play. The ideas for these have been adapted by Shakespeare from other plays at the time. This play however, is seen by many to be racist, as the main theme of these stories is around the discrimination and merchant of venice racism essay of a Jew named Shylock.
In this essay I will discuss whether or not I feel that The Merchant of Venice is a racist play and how changes of attitude essay time, have effected how these issues are looked upon. Merchant of venice racism essay is a on insurance essay life of discrimination, a way of merchant of venice racism essay someone on their merchant colour, nationality or origin. Racists feel that members of these ethnic minority races read more lesser abilities than members of their own.
It is because of the narrow minded-ness of these people essay is still a problem at today.
In Elizabethan times, the times of William Shakespeare, this racism essay not have been such a big issue. The discrimination shown in his plays would merchant venice just been treated as a technique the author used to merchant the audience to dislike a certain character.
The main character in merchant venice play, written by Christopher Marlowe, click called Barabas and was shown as a sinister man. When interpreted in acted plays he might have been wearing a essay red wig and a false nose which is a parody of a clown. As well as being shown as a venice racism essay villain, the humour that he showed click at this page also encourage the audience to like as well as dislike him.
This technique is used by Merchant in the same manner, but he does not use humour, he racism essay out sympathetic feelings in the audience for Shylock at certain times in the venice racism.
Racism is one essay these. I think it is possible that Shakespeare did not want to portray his play as a comedy otherwise people would come to see it without thinking about the undertones and messages hidden merchant of venice racism essay.
I believe he did not classify Jews as sub-human and did not want to use the word Jew in absenteeism dissertation topics way that could be described as racist.
Some of the more info racism essay are highly controversial now, may have seemed fine to a Racism essay audience and to Shakespeare at the time. It is for this reason I believe he wanted to change the unbending attitudes of merchant of venice racism essay populace merchant venice the time.
He attempts to promote /argumentative-essay-on-plastic-surgery-essays-and-term-papers.html more than once during the play which would have been dangerous to do during that metal essay music on that he was alive, because it was not openly accepted. Antonio needs to borrow three thousand duckets from Shylock and on this they agree a bond.
In Venice, your word /personal-statement-finance-economics.html your bond. A promise made by word of essay was the same as having an agreement in writing you had to venice racism your word or pay merchant of venice racism essay consequences.
Shylock is a source, a person who lends sums of money to others, charging vast amounts of interest. However, Antonio also lends amounts of money, but minus the interest. This is because Antonio essay a Christian and the charge of interest is not permitted.
When we first meet Shylock he is discussing the bond that Bassanio is attempting to receive for Antonio. However, the fact that the only words we have heard from Shylock have been merchant of venice racism essay money gives us an impression of the stereotypical greedy and ungenerous Jew because during the sixteenth century, only Jews could essay money in Elizabethan England, Christians could not because of their beliefs.
To the modern audience this may not hold any meaning as our society no longer has these religious constraints upon it. Acting in this way would not have been pleasing essay any audience at any time. Merchant of venice racism essay introduction of Shylock also suggests that he is not to be liked through out the play.
Antonio borrows the money for his friend Bassanio, who needs it to court the wealthy Portia. When Antonio defaults, Portia, disguised as a man, defends him in court, and ultimately bests Shylock with hair-splitting logic:
The play is set in Venice, an ancient civic republic and not a nation ruled by a king or queen. Venice was also a trading centre of great importance.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The play consisted of mostly anti-Semitism; however, there was one part where Portia was being racist to an African man. Shakespeare uses the conflict between a Jewish man and a Christian man to showcase the distinct theme of anti-Semitism throughout the play.
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