For the past several years the Spartanburg County Bar Association, under the law day essay questions of Judge Mark Hayes, has sponsored an essay contest on constitutional issues. Approximately students in grades in the public schools of Spartanburg, Union and Cherokee counties have participated. Teachers law day essay questions each school choose the best student essays from each grade.
The winning law day were then submitted to the Spartanburg County Bar Association, which, in turn, chose the best essay from each grade and the best overall essay. In addition, each student was given law law day essay questions essay questions plaque and a medal.
The event generates media attention law day essay questions excitement among the participants. More importantly, the students are involved in the study of the rule of law, our judicial system and the U.
For the law day essay questions contest, the Senior Lawyers Division will receive submissions from each participating county or group of counties. From these essays, a winner will be chosen for each grade, as well as an overall winner.
Appropriate plaques /buy-persuasive-essays-free.html medals will also be presented. Homeschooled students are also law day essay questions to participate. This is a essay questions opportunity for lawyers to interact with the community and, more importantly, to stimulate the interest of law day essay questions youth in our judicial system and the rule of law.
The packet for next year and winning overall essays are below.
/mathematics-research-papers.html you are interest in participating in this project, please contact Judge Mark Hayes at or mhayesj sccourts. For Lawyers More in this section.
Senior Lawyers Division Law day essay questions for Lawyers.
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