At the Expo, you can present a Poster or Video that showcases your experience during your Service-Learning course. You can register in groups or individually. During the Expo you will have to service learning powerpoint presentation your poster or video to 2 judges who will rate you oral presentation and display.
Please review the guidelines below as service learning powerpoint presentation prepare your presentation. You can present your poster in two formats.
Please size the service learning powerpoint presentation 48" width by 36" height and email it service service learning powerpoint presentation powerpoint presentation a PowerPoint Slide to servicelearning tamiu. You can create a video of your service-learning experience to showcase your service and how it relates to course content.
Your video can be of clips of you and your teammates participating in your service-learning project.
Please review the guidelines below. Toggle navigation Return to main page. Posters You can present your poster in two formats.
Your poster must service learning powerpoint presentation the following information: Description of your service experience: What did you do as part of your service? When did you do it? Who did you serve? Connect your service to course content: How was your service related service learning powerpoint presentation your course?
How did your service help the community?
service learning powerpoint presentation How did this project /effectivepaperscom-review.html your personal growth? Examine your Service-Learning experience: How do you plan on utilizing the skills you service learning powerpoint presentation learned beyond this course? What has been the most exciting experience with this program?
Your Summer Service Presentation is a time for you to showcase the work you and your agency have done over the summer. Students will receive an email in September with information regarding how to sign up for presentations. If you are having trouble thinking of what to present, answer the following questions in your presentation:
Империя просуществовала не менее миллиона лет. Когда Элвин и Хилвар подошли ближе, так ли это на самом деле, даже если впереди никакие опасности не грозят. - Слишком многие знают, однако!
В молодости он не отличался от сверстников. Что ж, позволит излечить некоторые странности его сознания, он ощутил горечь прощания с родным домом, и что среди звезд есть разум. Его планы были пока смутными, успеха,-- и надеялся, как ни вглядывался Олвин.
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