A supply and demand review lesson, here.
Flash - An interactive extension activity on demand. Flash - An interactive extension activity on supply. Video - Case study of the demand for oil increasing in China. Fairly in depth, but good if you have a ib extended essay questions economics minutes.
Video - Watch these two videos on PED this one and this one. Video - Questions economics another video ib extended essay questions economics PES. Flash - A self-directed lesson on Elasticity. Video - Elasticity and total revenue. Text - Some good examples of elasticities scroll down a bit and an overview of elasticity in general. If you know if any great resources to help your fellow IB Economics students, /online-research-paper-writing-karachi.html either email me via the "contact" page or link to them in the comments.
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In my opinion, the Extended Essay requirement of the Diploma Programme, is one of the more enjoyable and challenging parts of the course. Students endeavor to write a mini-thesis on an original topic, based on a subject on their choice. Economics and Business Management seem to be common subject choices and I regularly supervise students each year.
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