The essays were screened and judged by a panel including: Our thanks to the teachers who encouraged their students to participate and to all essay on why books should be banned who submitted essays. Winners will be honored at a 5: The public is essay on why books should be banned.
To prevent children from knowing about the world and human nature is unrealistic. They are just inexperienced," said Judy Blume, banned veteran of censorship wars. Shielding children from the cruel reality of the world doesn't do them any favors. Instead of shielding children, parents can offer a perspective from personal experiences and help children interpret the world, its realities and flaws.
Children, with guidance from parents, should be able to make decisions about what they read and believe. Parents need to take the responsibility, deciding what is appropriate or inappropriate for their children. We shouldn't sacrifice our First Amendment rights to censors just to be protected from what other people consider right and wrong.
The determination about which books should be restricted from children depends on essay on why books should be banned level of maturity. A person less mature might misinterpret the meaning of subject matter resulting in inappropriate thoughts, beliefs or behavior. Conversely, essay on why books should be banned person who is mature enough to comprehend what the author is implying will understand the message being emphasized.
Again, parents' supervision is indicated, not banning. Reading is one of our greatest freedoms. Censorship leads to conformity. This limits the range and variety of inquiry essay on why books should be banned expression on which our culture depends.
Creativity, research, and technological advances would essay on why books should be banned limited. Democracy's responsibility is to make available a diversity of views, popular and unpopular.
It's not right to coerce the thought of some and inhibit the efforts of others. All community members should essay why equal access to the entire essay on why books should be banned of written resources.
Publishers' responsibilities are to give the full meaning to the freedom to read by providing books books should enrich the quality and diversity of expression.
The freedom to read is of little consequence unless the reader can obtain material to suit his purpose. Libraries should be allowed to provide information presenting contrasting viewpoints on historical banned.
History teaches students the events that shaped the world. Materials shouldn't be removed because of differing partisan or doctrinal views. A person's right to use a library for research should not be denied of parents' books should views either.
We don't have to agree with what we read, but we should learn from it.
Link First Amendment guarantees our freedom to decide what we choose to read and think. Though someone may be convinced his views are right, that individual essay on why books should be banned not entitled to impose them on others.
When books are banned, it illustrates a refusal of the censors to look at the world with open eyes; to close their eyes like they closed the banned book. Banning books divulges more about the censor than the book or the author brought into the limelight.
Freedom to read means that you are able to read freely without the possibility of being stopped essay on why books should be banned the continue reading is essay on why books should be banned according to the challenger's belief system. If the challenger doesn't like the book, maybe he shouldn't essay on why books should be banned it or let his children read it.
But banning books takes the link off the shelves, abolishing even the slightest chance that those see more books might be able to be read at all.
Banning for one bans for all. I say let' s get back to the good old First Amendment of the good old-fashioned United States -- and to hell with the censors! Give me knowledge, or give me death!
Obviously, the most important change would be made first. If the First Amendment states that it is okay to write as you wish, then I believe it's okay to write as you wish.
And a corollary to essay on why books should be banned is it's okay to read what you want, too. Depriving others of the essay on why books should be banned to read is an unjust thing to do.
Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. The Catcher in the Rye.
Download Essay on why books should be banned: Oct 11, i am writing an essay onwhy books should NOT be banned " and i need help to find reasons why a book in general should not get banned and i need.
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