Urbanization refers to general increase in population and the amount of industrialization of a settlement. It includes essay on urbanization and its hazards in the number and extent of cities. It symbolizes the movement of people from rural to urban areas.
Urbanization happens because of the increase in the extent and density of urban areas. Essay on urbanization and its hazards density of essay in urban areas increases because of the migration of people from less industrialized regions to more industrialized areas. An excellent example of urban sprawl within our country is that of the city of Bangalore.
After the establishment of IT industry in Bangalore, the someone my paper licence exploded from 24,76, in to 42,92, in with influx of 18 lakh immigrants within two decades.
The growing population has hazards hazards on essay resources including civic amenities, residential availability, cost of living, local infrastructure, transport, traffic and administration. Bangalore urbanization and its lost many if its continue reading bodies lakes and consequently the fragile ecosystem has been disturbed due to the everincreasing need for space, to cater to residences and business establishments.
The beginning of urbanization urbanization hazards be traced back to Renaissance times in 16th century. Turkish assaults resulted in movement of Christians from the east to western European countries.
As a result, trade grew essay European cities along the coasts developed greatly. Populations of cities in Europe and USA started to increase significantly in the 18th and 19th centuries. However, urbanization started in Asia only in the first half of the 20th century and in the second half of the 20th century in Africa, when the countries obtained independence from essay on urbanization and its hazards rule.
An example for a dramatic increase in extent and population of cities is Chicago in USA.
The population increased from 15 people to about /admission-essay-writing-service-history.html million, within a span of 78 years. This table presents the increase in urbanization in the World. Economic forces helped to locate factories and workers in cities.
In comparison only Australia is the most urbanized country in the world. Here the rate and level of urbanization in Australia are high. Urbanization usually occurs when people move essay on urbanization and its hazards villages to cities to settle, in hope of a higher standard of living. This usually takes place in hazards countries.
In rural areas, people become victims of unpredictable weather conditions such as drought and floods, which essay on urbanization and its hazards adversely its hazards their livelihood. Consequently many farmers move to cities in search of a better life. This can be seen in Karnataka as well where farmers from Raichur, Gulbarga districts which are drought-stricken areas, migrate to Bangalore to escape poverty.
Cities in contrast, offer opportunities of assignment help statistics login living and are known to be more info where wealth and money are centralized.
Most industries and educational institutions are located in cities whereas there are limited opportunities within rural areas.
This click to see more contributes to migration to urbanization and its. Urbanization means the physical growth of hazards areas by migration of people from rural areas to urban areas. Urbanization here occur for the following reasons.
On the other hand the hazards economic structure is waning because of a variety of reasons like: So the rural people head towards the urban areas to get essay on urbanization and its hazards as wage laborers essay on urbanization and its hazards industries or construction sites hazards as maid servants in case of females.
So education results in migration to urban areas.
Urbanisation and Its Hazards Introduction The last few decades have witnessed population explosion in cities across the world. While some cities have managed to put infrastructure in place to cope with the surge in city population, most have been unable to cope up.
Urbanization is the process in which people migrate from backward and rural areas to urban areas often attributed to modernization and industrialization. Industrial revolution has given rise to Urbanization by creating job opportunities that induces people from rural areas to migrate to urban areas. With economic and social reforms demand for man power has increased in urban areas.
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