Delhi College of Engineering, initially established with the name — Delhi Polytechnic came into existence in the year to cater the needs of Indian industries for trained technical manpower with practical experience and sound theoretical knowledge. The institution was set up at historic Kashmere Gate campus as a follow up of admission to delhi college of check this out 2014 Wood and Abott Committee of It comprised of a multi disciplinary and multi level institution offering wide ranging programmes in engineering, technology, arts and sculpture, architecture, pharmacy and commerce.
The national diploma awarded by the institution was recognized admission to delhi college of engineering 2014 equivalent to degree level for the purposes admission to delhi college of engineering 2014 employment.
In the college was affiliated with University of Delhi click admission to delhi college of engineering 2014 started formal Degree level Programmes.
When admission form are going to released Dmissi. Tech Delhi College Of Engineering. Please visit us I want a call from this Institute. Government College Affiliated To: Description Delhi College of Engineering, initially established with the name — Delhi Polytechnic came into existence in the year to cater the needs of Indian industries for trained technical manpower with practical admission to delhi college of engineering 2014 and sound theoretical knowledge.
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Road Map For The College. Comments Comment characters left. Dehi Insititute of Technology and Research Est: Report as admission All reports are strictly confidential.
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Select at least two streams to compare Compare. Computer Science and Engineering. Electronics and Communications Engineering. Production and Industrial Engineering.
DTU ranked in top 10 engineering colleges of India. Celebration of World Environment Day. Launch of bicycle sharing system in DTU.
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