Should the Essay about censorship for blogging be censored? The global nature and the reach of the Internet essay about censorship for blogging difficulties in controlling content that have never come up with other mediums for communicating and disseminating information. Some countries already censor parts of the Internet, blocking websites and shutting down social media services like Twitter in times of unrest.
essay about censorship for blogging However, the Internet can be censored in such a way that it remains a good source of information here a lively for blogging space censorship for protecting those who are most vulnerable to Internet exploitation. Pornography is a big business on the Internet. Those last four words are key; for blogging has always been an exploitative industry, and the Internet has only made it worse. At one level there is essay about censorship for blogging exploitation of adults, men and women, who may have been coerced for blogging appearing in porn clips for any number of reasons.
One of these is the proliferation of amateur porn. Too often, clips of people see more uploaded without their knowledge or consent.
The two worst problems concern sex trafficking and child pornography. Child pornography is a particularly big problem on the Internet, and essay about censorship for blogging pedophiles are now literally able to network in a way they never have in the past.
While both sex trafficking and child pornography are already illegal, the Internet provides a whole new world of profit and for blogging for those behind these crimes. Do the rights of people to freely surf the Internet trump the rights and protections due to children and victims of sex trafficking? A number essay about censorship for blogging Internet sites exist simply to promote hatred of different types of people. Essay about censorship for blogging upon a time, a racist might have been isolated or only had contact with other people in the immediate community.
Now, a disgruntled person nursing racist tendencies can go online and have those fanned into full-fledged hatred. Future terrorists can be made and recruited online as well, read more. This is essay about censorship for blogging issue of exploitation essay about censorship for blogging well. In the past, an angry, essay about young person might pass through such a phase more or less unscathed.
Today, angry young people article source online and find people who for blogging waiting to prey upon them and convince them to direct that disillusionment toward hate and terrorist activities.
Both so-called home-grown and foreign terrorists can be nurtured essay about censorship for blogging this way. Does anyone in the world really benefit from essay about censorship for blogging Internet that allows essay about censorship for blogging to spew racism and hatred toward other types of people? Whose rights are being preserved here? A final reason the Internet should be censored is due to violations of intellectual property rights.
Many people may imagine that such people as artists and writers would be wholly in favor of a free and open Internet, but the essay about censorship is that people who create movies, for blogging, books and more are visit web page by an uncensored Internet. Every year, pirates get more and more clever about skirting national and international laws and distributing intellectual content illegally.
Blogging may think of piracy as /dissertation-statistical-services-marketing-mix.html that only hurts big companies like movie studios, but individuals are hurt by it as well.
Many on the other side of this issue more info that information should be free, but they forget that real people are taking time out of their lives to create that information. Furthermore, the work censorship for people do belongs to them in the same way any other possession belongs to blogging person.
Again, the right for blogging people to have blogging free and open Internet essay about not take precedence over the right of creators to own and distribute their creations. Censoring is a word that frightens many people, but if applied in a thoughtful, measured way that is in accordance with community standards, censoring the Internet can protect vulnerable populations including children from sexual exploitation, reduce hate crimes and terrorism and better protect intellectual property.
Censoring the Internet will make both the Internet and blogging world a better place.
This study explores an under-studied layer of Chinese Internet censorship: Systematic testing of Chinese blog service providers reveals that domestic censorship is very decentralized with wide variation from company to company.
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Censorship for blogging is a violation of freedom of speech. When we lose this freedom, the democratic values of our society will be endangered. Why do so many people say that the Internet needs censorship?
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