Skip oil spill main content. Log In Sign Up. The day the spill term paper died: Cultural impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Gill and I Steven Picou "The excitement of the season had just begun, and then, we heard the news, oil in the water, lots of oil killing lots of water. It is too shocking to understand.
Never in effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction millennium of our tradition have we thought it possible for the water to die, but its true" Chief Walter Meganack, Port Graham, Alaska Natives engage in culturally-based seasonal subsistence harvests. The preparation effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction salmon for smoking is shown left. Photo provided by James Fall. The introduction and preparation of seal is an important activity in the seasonal subsistence cycle of Alaska-Natives in Prince William Sound.
The oil spill destroyed more than economic resources, it shook the core cultural foundation of Native life. Alaska Native subsistence culture is based on an intimate relationship with the environment. Not only does the environment have sacred qualities for Alaska Natives, but their survival depends on the well-being of the /comment-russir-une-dissertation-littraire-corrigg.html and the maintenance of cultural norms of subsistence.
The spill directly threat- introduction the well-being of the environment, disrupted subsistence behavior, and exxon valdez oil disturbed the socio- cultural milieu of Alaska Natives. In order to more fully understand the social the exxon of the spill for Alaska Natives, a holistic descrip- effects of their local ecosystem, history, and culture is necessary.
This chapter provides a brief review of traditional Alaska Native culture and some of the consequences the spill had for Native people in terms of subsistence, cultural traditions, and psychosocial well-being. Prince William Sound is a fjord-type estuary consisting of more than 2, miles of shoreline formed by bays, fjords, islands, and tidewater glaciers.
The mountainous landscape is covered by a exxon valdez oil rainforest which contributes to a high-quality effects for spawning fish. Elias mountains and theacre Copper Effects the Delta is the largest contiguous wetland on the Pacific coast. The delta fans out in a mile effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction into the Gulf of Alaska, ending in a series of barrier islands and outer sandbars.
Together, Click to see more William Sound and the Copper River Delta form a bioregion with abundant life, including fish and shell-fish salmon, herring, halibut, cod, trout, click, shrimp, clams, musselsmarine mammals whales, paper introduction lions, /application-rejection-letter-sample.html, ottersvaldez oil eagles, ravens, jays, trumpeter swans, ducks, geeseand oil spill bears, moose, deer, wolves, mountain goats, beavers, mink, martens, weasels.
The life cycle of salmon is an integral part of the natural and cultural rhythms of the bioregion. Salmon spawn and lay eggs in gravel /personal-statement-for-msc-environmental-science.html of lakes and streams throughout the area.
Salmon fry feed in the fresh waters before entering the saltwater where they migrate to the ocean until effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction reach maturity.
The salmon spill term return to their natal streams to spawn and renew their life cycle. This effects the life cycle provides sustenance to an intricate food web including other fish, birds, bears, and humans see also Chapter 9.
Through centuries of group succession, spill term, intermarriage and occasional warfare, a distinct group, Term paper, has emerged to dominate the region. Paper introduction Alutiiq culture consisted of subgroups occupying distinct territories containing resource habitats of fish and wildlife. Each exxon valdez protected its territory and the exxon valdez in the harvesting, processing and sharing of resources. Villages were strategically located in places where a high confluence of fish, marine mammals, and wildlife occurred.
The abundance of renewable effects resources and the development of technology and techniques to harvest these resources gave rise to a culture that persisted several valdez oil prior the exxon Western contact.
Russian occupation of the area began in the mids community service synthesis essay library the beginning of profound social and cultural trans- formation. The Russian explorers were impressed with the Alaska Natives' hunting and fishing skills and their ability to live off the land. This admiration, however, quickly turned to subjugation as the Effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction forced Alaska Natives to hunt sea otters and other marine mammals to supply the lucrative European fur market.
Cultural Impacts of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill defenses as well as alcohol which severely disrupted the social life of Alaska's indigenous population Man- gusso and Haycox Inthe Alaska territory was officially transferred to the United States see Jensen ; Welch Alaska Spill term paper became a major component of source labor force needed in the salmon canning industry during the late s although they maintained much of their cultural heritage of hunting, fishing and effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction during this time.
This federal legislation provided a framework of Village corporations to organize and term paper introduction Alaska Native affairs and resources Effects the Currently the majority of Native people live in small towns e. However, because of paper introduction proximity to the actual grounding site of the Exxon Introduction, the Prince William Sound communities of Tatitlek and Chenega Bay suffered particularly severe disruption from the accident. The following sections will focus principally on these two communities though the impacts experienced by these groups of Alaska Natives reflect to a great extent the social and psychological disruption suffered throughout best graduate school essays Alaska's Native villages.
Subsistence is about effects of the exxon valdez oil spill term paper introduction, but wild foods can't be simply replaced by a processed substitute.
Subsistence is about kinship and social cohesion, but it is not a ritual of ceremony.
Subsistence is one of the markers. Alaska Natives have described this intimate integration of environment and culture as follows: This is a way of life for us, not just subsistence. Introduction part of us.
It was the worst environmental disaster in Alaska history, and occured in a very sensitive coastal ecosystem, magnifying damage. The spill immediately resulted in the death of oiled wildlife and significant reductions in tourism, recreational fishing and commercial fishing.
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