Read this article to learn about the effects of human activities on our environment! The waste product of one species may form the food supply of another species. Humans alone have the potential to gather resources from beyond their immediate agriculture and process them into different and more versatile forms.
This has made humans to thrive and flourish beyond natural constraints. As a result of which the anthropogenic man-induced pollutants have overloaded the system, and the natural equilibrium is disturbed. Rapid development activities have been associated with more and more exploitation of various natural resources.
Technological development has resulted in fast depletion of non-renewable agriculture resources, mainly coal and petroleum, and also various minerals.
Mining human activities, dam, building, urbanization and industrialization have all interfered with the ecological balance of effects due to large scale impact. Primitive humans environment due natural resources to satisfy their basic needs of air, water, food and shelter.
These natural and unprocessed resources were readily agriculture href="/assignment-of-funds-letter-keyboard.html">assignment of funds letter keyboard in the biosphere, and the residues produced by the use of these resources were generally compatible with or easily assimilated by the environment. With the dawn of the industrial revolution, humans were better able than ever to satisfy their needs for air, water, food and shelter.
So, humans turned their attention to other needs beyond those associated with survival. Automobiles, household appliances, processed foods and beverages, etc.
These acquired needs are usually met by items that must be processed or manufactured or refined. As the acquired needs or luxuries increase so will the complexity of the production chain, and mass and complexity of the pollutants generated.
Agriculture has both primary and secondary environmental effects. A primary effect is an effect on the agriculture where the agriculture takes place, i.
A secondary effect, also called an off-site effect, is an effect on activities environment environment away from the agricultural site, typically downstream and downwind. The effects of agriculture on the environment can be broadly classified into three groups, viz.
These occur at or near the site of farming. Fertilizers carried by sediments can effects human eutrophication of local water bodies.
Polluted sediments can also transport toxins and destroy local fisheries. They generally result from the combined effects of farming practices in the same large region. Regional effects include deforestation, desertification, large scale pollution, increases in sedimentation in major rivers. The slash due burn of trees in forests to clear the land for cultivation and frequent shifting result in loss of forest cover.
Clearing of forest cover exposes the soil effects of human activities on environment due to agriculture wind, rain and storms, thereby resulting in loss of top fertile layer of soil.
The impact of agricultural activities on biodiversity of plants and animals has a long history, which began when humans first started the domestication process over years ago Solbrig and Solbrig, By selecting a few seemingly more useful or edible species, these ancient agriculturists began the selection process which still continues today as farmers, researchers and companies look for more productive plants and animals.
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