Chang, Jung-Chen Ph. This thesis adopts an integrated tourism research approach to investigate the role dissertation rural tourism in sustainable rural development.
It identifies what the key ingredients of sustainable rural tourism development SRTD could be, which include an effective policy framework, good partnerships between stakeholders and a strong connection between tourism and local resources.
A qualitative approach is adopted in investigating the cases of the Puli, Yuchih, and Renai townships in Taiwan, and the dissertation on rural development focuses dissertation on rural development dissertation on rural development key concepts of policy, partnership and place 3Ps.
Several issues emerged from the investigation.
Due to dependence on central government support, the public-private partnership appears problematic; dissertation on rural development, the strong level of business support networks and community organisations engaging in tourism strengthens local initiative in promoting sustainable development. The effects of tourism on local development are perceived as having more positive rural development than negative ones, development though, the contribution of tourism to SRTD is still considered limited due to the scale of the rural decline problem it is trying to address.
The influential dissertation between policy, partnership, and place that emerged from the empirical findings evidently support the 3 Ps integrated tourism concept proposed by dissertation on rural development research.
This provides a here realistic and holistic understanding of tourism dissertation on rural development rural areas.
The thesis contributes to the literature by introducing the 3 Ps integrated tourism concept, and empirically, through the case studies, dissertation on rural development also contributes to the understanding of current rural tourism development in an East Asian context. The role of tourism in sustainable rural development: A multiple case study in rural Taiwan. Abstract This thesis adopts an integrated tourism research approach to investigate the role of tourism in sustainable rural development.
The intellectual property rights of dissertation on rural development author or third parties development go here of this compare and contrast essays for esl students need are as defined by The Copyright Development and Patents Act or as modified development any dissertation rural legislation.
Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. Questions, comments and suggestions regarding the eTheses Dissertation rural are welcomed source ubira lists.
Showing result 1 - 5 of swedish dissertations containing the words rural development. The problem of illiteracy has been the object of many studies during recent decades.
A PhD thesis topic on a rural development project is one of the more adventurous subject areas to work on. Here is a list of possible PhD thesis topics on rural development for you to get going with in the next 5 minutes:.
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