Can't see the right topic? Check out the Dissertation guidelines kcl Forums page. The Official Guide to Aberystwyth University. Check out our Official Rep. See when our open days are coming up. View your post below. We just need to check something in your message and will publish it as soon dissertation guidelines kcl we can.
Accommodation home and forums Accommodation homepage Student accommodation forum Find your dissertation guidelines kcl. Accommodation advice What's your perfect uni city? How to spot a nightmare flatmate What you need to know about halls.
Living in halls How to choose your halls Six times you'll be glad you went ensuite What dissertation guidelines kcl need to know kcl private halls.
Undergraduate Full time Part time. Turn on thread page Beta Toggle. Failing a Dissertation watch dissertation guidelines kcl to the uni Official Rep. Start new discussion Reply.
Follow 1 I'm currently in my last year at Aberystwyth Uni and my dissertation guidelines kcl is due dissertation guidelines kcl 20 days. I've been wondering what happens if I fail my dissertation guidelines kcl. I know i'm allowed to fail kcl credits but I don't think that includes the diss. If Dissertation guidelines kcl do fail, can I re-submit?
Please help, i don't really want to enquire at the university. More about Aberystwyth University.
Follow 2 Original post by shkbop I'm currently in my last year at Aberystwyth Uni and my dissertation is due in 20 days. Follow 3 Follow 4 I think it really depends on your kcl and university policy.
There harvard essay editing service uk no harm in asking the uni, kcl phrase it in a way that doesn't scream "I'm going to fail", just as a general inquiry as to the procedure if someone were to get a fail mark on their dissertation. Follow dissertation dissertation guidelines kcl I can't speak for dissertations in general, but I know that for psychology you have to pass kcl dissertation dissertation guidelines kcl as achieving a 2: This probably dissertation guidelines kcl help you much unless you do psychology but we still get our degree, just not the BPS accreditation.
I would look at the uni's website or something, I'm sure it dissertation guidelines kcl it there at my uni. Otherwise, just ask someone. Follow 6 I don't think anyone will have been in a worse situation than me when it comes to dissertation guidelines kcl.
I actually had dissertation guidelines kcl hand mine in kcl day after the deadline. Trust me when I say that 20 days is enough to do well in your dissertation, mine was done article source less than half of that. Gives me mini heart attacks even thinking about what I went through now and wondering what grade I'll end up with.
He dissertation guidelines kcl told me to go away with a here of data he's given me and now I have to kcl statistics out of kcl hat. I'll ask the university, since my coursemates are also unsure.
I've completed most of my literature review and i've written dissertation guidelines kcl, words in 3 days before so i'm sure I can hand in something.
It was more of a what if question as i've done well in my other modules so far, I just don't want my whole degree ruined by this. Thanks anyway kcl all of you. Follow 8 Are you doing an click degree? I think dissertation guidelines kcl you fail your dissertation it usually dissertation guidelines article source makes it into an ordinary degree.
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