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Interview Successful Candidates The above mentioned candidates are requested to appear for the counselling on Saturday, 26th May, in the Ph. The RET examination for Ph. The postponement was necessary to accommodate the Panchayat elections to be held on the 14th of May.
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Xavier's College is significant in that it empowers the faculty of the four Departments to supervise Ph. Principal as Head of the Ph. The total number of scholars enrolled with SXC for the Ph. This includes scholars from all the 4 departments. The university kolkata of fresh Ph.
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The Department of Microbiology has initiated two year Microbiology M. Sc course on August,
Admissions to the above courses will begin only after the declaration of the B. Degree results of the University of Mumbai sometime in the second or third week of June.
Admissions to the above course will begin only after the declaration of the B. Degree results of the University of Mumbai sometime in the second or third week of June.
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