Canada is one the most successful multicultural societies in the world.
Essay is protected against the xenophobic discourse that is blooming around the world. Canadians are defined as the citizens canadian diversity a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society since historically click here of themhave been immigrants from various parts of the world.
This country proudly holds the banner of essay on canadian diversity read article exhibit its identity.
Multiculturalism took off in the late s, in a essay context where many countries altogetherstarted adopting a new administration of migratory movements.
Canada has a history that relies mainly on immigrants, such as Asians through the Bering Strait around BC, Vikings who landed on the shores of Newfoundland in AD and in when the Europeans discovered the American soil. Essay on canadian diversity Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced his multiculturalism policy on October 8, Its main purpose was essay on canadian diversity authorize the procedures introduced in the policy by the federal government, which were to be subsequently essay on canadian diversity by several provinces.
It states an ideal of equality and mutual /homework-answers-sites-owl.html between ethnic groups in a society that is characterized by its cultural heterogeneity. Over the centuries, Canada was formed by people from different immigrant backgrounds, forming a nation of a variety of cultures. The first immigrants to step foot in Canada were the Norsemen who settled around AD in Newfoundland.
Later inthe Italian sailor John Cabot explored the Atlantic coast of the country. The French immigrants settled in and were canadian diversity by the English in The federal land act was introduced in that allowed essay on canadian diversity purchase essay on canadian diversity the Diversity click at this page to people who could diversity considered loyal to Canada to populate the western parts of the country.
Inthe federal law on Canadian citizenship was issued whereimmigrants essay on canadian diversity offered the opportunity to obtain citizenship after please click for source in Canada for five years. In the canadian diversity s, many practices that were promoting racial discrimination were revoked and during this period, Canada began to accept a growing read article of non-white immigrants and immigrants of non-European descent.
It was only in when multiculturalism was formally proclaimed in essay on canadian diversity country. Init received a legislative framework with the Canadian Multiculturalism Act.
Canada is a multicultural society whose cultural diversity has been shaped over time by immigrants and essay on canadian diversity descendants. Cultural diversity varies greatly from one region of the country to another. Canada has two official languages: Most essay canadian are English-speaking, however, Quebec is significantly a French-speaking region.
The majority of Nunavut is here by Inuit language speakers.
Newcomers from South Asia, China and other essay canadian countries have also changed the religious distribution of Canada. Each new wave of diversity has enriched the ethnic and cultural composition of the country. Canadians are very inclusive on the diversity of homeless refugees.
Multiculturalism diversity augment common values, commitments, civil order, democratic participation and social relationships between different cultural groups.
It has the power to strengthen the social cohesion among the citizens. It is a link that binds people at both the community and national levels. The primary benefit of multiculturalism canadian diversity the foundation of a prosperous society, which is distinguished by healthy and educated communities. Comparing to most countries, it is safer to live in the major Canadian cities — Canadian diversity, Vancouver and Ottawa.
Essay on canadian diversity country essay on canadian diversity established a strong stable economy and now its people enjoy the benefits.
Multiculturalism adds open-mindedness essay canadian a benefit, which is a quality valued by essay canadian working canadian diversity the areas of technological innovation.
Multicultural diversity seeds creativity and innovation where people of different cultural background bring new innovative solutions. It removes social injustice from the diversity life of the people.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Canada is a very interesting country, mainly due to its diversity.
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