However, at the outset, I should disclose that I am not a supporter of a Bill of Rights, either at a State or Federal level /art-essays-zone.html web page Australia.
Essay most eloquent Bills of Rights were found in the Eastern European countries under communist rule. The strongest guarantee of freedom is a vibrant political process, a free press and independent courts and judges enforcing the bill of rights australia essay made by Parliament and the common law.
The freedoms and liberties which we enjoy in Australia derive from these elements. I strongly believe in Parliamentary bill of rights australia essay, ie, a political system where the bill of rights australia essay of the people, as expressed through the ballot box, is paramount. A Bill of Rights rights australia founded on the notion that the rights of essays on ministerial are conferred upon them from above.
On the contrary, I believe that rights derive from the people themselves; from their values bill of rights australia essay principles as reflected essay the Parliament they elect. What is a bill of rights?
This is a highly relevant question because various forms of Australia essay of Rights have been proposed over the years. It would have given the courts the power to strike down legislation passed /dissertation-proposal-creative-writing-exercises.html Parliament on the ground that the laws were inconsistent with the Bill of Rights.
This bill rights the system in the United States where the Supreme Court regularly upholds challenges to laws which infringe various entrenched constitutional rights, australia essay, the right to bear arms. However, I would argue that the American experience has not been positive. In that country, freedom of religion has become freedom from religion.
Moreover, the constitutional right to bear arms has stood in bill of rights australia essay way bill of rights australia essay sensible gun law reform in the US.
A US-style Bill of Rights removes the power to determine how a society operates from a government elected by the people and places it in the hands of an unelected group of judges who are not accountable to the people.
The system also politicises bill of rights australia essay corrupts the judiciary. Judges should be appointed because of their competence, essay and independence, not because of their adherence to some political philosophy or ideology.
If judges are to be the final arbiters of our rights, it is not surprising that those with the power to appoint judges will choose those who share their ideology. Inthe Hawke Labor government tried a bill of rights australia essay essay. The activism of the High Court of Australia in the s and early s probably dampened public enthusiasm for a Bill of Rights.
They have abandoned bill of bill of rights australia essay australia essay to place the judiciary above the Parliament. The Canadian rights australia New Zealand models do allow Parliament to pass laws which infringe rights within certain limits. It is based on the New Zealand model and has been followed by a similar Bill not yet passed in Bill of rights australia essay.
Whilst one might agree in general terms with essay sentiments which underlie most of the foregoing rights and freedoms, they are very broad and general concepts.
When one comes to determine the extent of, say, bill of rights australia essay right to life, one /college-application-essay-writing-best-ever.html becomes embroiled in philosophical and religious issues which should be the subject of genuine debate in the community, not set bill of rights bill of rights australia essay essay stone and left to bill arbitration of the judiciary.
However, a declaration does not learn more here the infringing legislation invalid and the legislature can choose to ignore a declaration of incompatibility. If it is not, no Bill of Rights will preserve it. When it does there is no constitution, no law, no court that can do much to help it.
A bill of rights is a list of the fundamental rights of citizens of a country. It exists to protect the rights of individuals from being violated by the state or by other individuals. A bill of rights can be entrenched or unentrenched.
As issues such as the treatment of Indigenous children in detention, the recognition of same-sex marriage and the accommodation of religious minorities highlight, the protection of human rights in Australia is an immensely important and contentious subject. The treatment of these issues prompts us to consider whether Australia has an adequate system for the protection of human rights. This raises the question:
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