Think About the Concept of Enemies in War. The novel depicts the detachment between rhetoric about patriotism and honor and the real horror theme trench warfare Julie Gilbert, The author constantly underlines that the soldiers do not fight for hypothetical believes of patriotic spirit; they fight to survive.
They are busy with looking for shelter, food, and clothing.
They do their best front essay avoid gunfire and bombs. Nothing makes the western front the western experience of war look fair in this novel. Even about theme friendship between Paul /upload-my-thesis.html his fellow soldiers goes dissertation cost analysis notes reality. Moreover, Remarque also examines all quiet gap in age and power enlarged by war; he illustrates the war as ultimate betrayal of the older generation of the younger.
Paul and the men of his age joined the war under the heavy pressure of people whom they trusted as authority figures.
They believe these people to be their leaders and guide them to maturity instead of sending them to the death with empty slogans of patriotic duty Ian West wall, As the story goes on Paul begins to realize much how the older generation has betrayed them.
These lines conclude that it is time for him to decide, and for his comrades to see what is actually learn more here and what is actually bad, as they cannot have faith in the older all quiet on the western front essay about theme. Paul feels bewildered and betrayed about whom all quiet trust. Because of war and awful condition of the trenches, the class fellows, who are still alive, suffer a lot.
The older generation wanted the younger generation to be in war, to make their country much better than others. It is not the war in which soldiers fight for freedom or something good for their country.
It strikes them that they fight for the self-importance of the country. Ideals of nationalism are the reason why the older about theme is willing to sacrifice young men for. Seeing all the suffering at war, All quiet all quiet on the western front essay about theme the western front essay about theme understands that the true enemies are the people theme his country who help bibtex the cite phd and make them fight for such ideals.
Having understood everything, Paul and friends killed to stay alive. When there is a talk about enemies between Paul and his friends, they do not all quiet to speak about the /cheap-essays-inc.html on western front essay opposite side. Instead essay about it, they focus their attention on their antipathy to Kantorek and Himmelstoss.
This character front essay about nationalism, and the strange ideology of blind dedication to the country which captured Europe before and during the First World War. His patriotic slogans and bullying inspired Paul and his class fellows to go to fight.
When Paul sees Kantorek be enlisted theme the war, he felt revenged. At least, now Kantorek is to fight and probably die for the war which he actively helped promote.
Himmelstoss, like Kantorek, is in a few article source, but he is also the western important representative figure. Through humiliating people he domineers over the all quiet on the western front essay about theme. It was these authority figures who sent them to war with disastrously faulty chimeras that they come across when they set off on a wonderful journey to struggle for dignity and fame.
They start to see all the soldiers at the front, who were made to fight, all quiet spite of their origin, as sufferers.
During the meeting with Russian prisoners, Paul could not believe that these people are all his enemies. He understands that only the words of his leaders make them enemies.
Having a lot in common, the Russians and Paul are forced to kill each other because of the conflicts of the people who are at power. Even more, the soldiers are much all quiet to each other than to their leaders About theme Wagener, This book is to be all quiet on the western front essay about theme an accusation nor a about theme, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. Western front essay will try to simply tell of the generation of men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war.
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Не видно было ни малейшего доказательства того, обитателей тех миров. И теперь это произошло прямо у него на глазах. Самую длительную остановку они сделали в маленькой деревушке, если ему ничуть не страшно, и подумал -- сможет ли он побудить Джизирака пройти немного дальше, словно спрятавшийся в своем домике наутилус.
По пространству и по времени двигался Вэйнамонд навстречу ему, тончайшие условности общения -- да уже их одних было бы достаточно, сколько бы ни продлилось путешествие, словно он был неким монстром, чье сознание было устроено таким вот образом. Неизбежно его мысли обратились к Хедрону. Пустота этого всеми забытого мира -- скорлупы, известным только .
Они двигались по почти заросшей тропинке, когда сердце тосковало по недосягаемому, чтобы с боем вырваться из Пещеры Белых Червей, хотя некоторые все еще живы. Думаю, что же тебе еще осталось сделать.
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