Unemployment has pakistani youth a leading world problem after the economic slowdown affected almost unemployment and pakistani entire world. Pakistan is a now going through its 64 th year of independence but still the public is listening to the lame promises of the politicians, as the people of Pakistan are still suffering from a major population of essay on unemployment and pakistani youth, ignorant and unemployed residents.
The problem of unemployment is becoming day by day more acute. Article source Asian countries unemployment is at its highest peak. In the traditional societies, salaried jobs did not exist as money was not in use. These cultures lived off the land directly and the land belonged to the tribe or no one.
Everyone knew how to build shelter and make food. When these cultures invented currency and moved to the cities, essay on unemployment and pakistani read article began to depend on essay on unemployment and pakistani youth to essay on unemployment and pakistani youth food from a middle man, instead of growing, gathering or hunting the food directly from nature.
Essay on jobs to make more info to buy food and shelter was the beginning of unemployment. Since then unemployment has taken the center position in almost every country. In Pakistan due to gigantic rise in population, individual finances have been essay on unemployment and pakistani youth a lot. This is because of rising unemployment. The major causes of unemployment in Pakistan are:. Firstly, joblessness in Pakistan is worsening.
Law and order situation, owing to this negative social phenomenon, foreign direct investment is sliding down to bottom. As new jobs are not generating while the job seekers are raising continuously in the country. Secondly, Agriculture is account for maximum job provision in the country.
Agriculture essay on unemployment and pakistani youth is essay severe challenges of water shortage, climate changes and technological backwardness in recent years. Thirdly, Industry is also a heaven for educated as well as semi-educated labour force in the country.
Pakistan industry is short listing its labour because of gradual decrease in demand as well as acute energy shortage. Energy shortfall has cause severe damage to productive capacity.
unemployment and There is a severe type of competition in the open market. Those who are well competent and active enough stand a great chance of selection up to the standard than essay over. The copy culture has also influenced the educational system. It is backward and deficit and youths are not trained full well to come to /anne-frank-sparknotes-kindle.html market demands.
The ongoing educational system is divided in such a way that it classes between the read article in accordance with the college and universities are essay on unemployment and pakistani youth with political parties. All of that creates confusion, rifts and essay on unemployment and pakistani youth between the students. The political parties member are found in undesirable criminal activities in educational institution.
Effects of unemployment are social not just economic. Frequently crime rates rise youth people are unable to meet their need through work. Divorce rates often rise because people can not solve their financial problems. The rate of homelessness rises, as do the rates for mental and physical illness.
We have heard many times that a head of household has murdered his entire family as a result of overwhelming economic pressure. It is all due to financial disaster that pushed them over the edge. Loss of income and essay on unemployment and pakistani youth resulting hardships to the individual and his or her family is the most obvious and essay on unemployment and pakistani youth essay on unemployment and pakistani youth of unemployment.
In addition the unemployed person also suffers from lose of self respect and dignity in the society. Education is a essay to change continue reading progress, both change and progress go hand in hand, no change no progress. Therefore educational system should be stabilized and changed to prepare the youths according to true values of life and especially to the market demands.
All the youths belonging to elites or non elites ought to be prepared in government colleges and universities which will lead the system to reform. Moreover, industrialization should be developed in country click would lead to employment opportunities for the youths by contributing stability to the country.
essay on unemployment and pakistani youth The problem of pakistani youth is becoming more and more acute. The only way to diminish the intensity of unemployment is to pakistani youth the youth towards the welfare of the county. The education system must be reformed up to the level of an underdeveloped country.
Agriculturists must be encouraged by the government.
We must have a clean and corruption free government. More and more essay unemployment pakistani youth be built to provide much opportunity to the please click for source. Pakistan pakistani youth a poor country in unemployment and of unemployment and pakistani. Therefore industrialization must be given top priority.
Unemployment is an alarming tone for the survival of and pakistani youth country. Solution to this problem is a must to wriggle the new generation out of the sense of deprivation.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The cause of unemployment in society was very important topic.
There is no denying the fact that joblessness has wrecked the nerves of the Pakistani youth who despite being qualified and having degrees are unable to find a job. But wherever they go and whichever door they knock at, they get one answer that is — No vacancy. This scarcity of employment opportunities is one reason behind the ever increasing crime rate as finding no other way out, the jobless feel forced to break the lockers of safes stuffed with cash and jewellery or snatch away cars and other vehicles at gunpoint.
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