Skip to main content Directories Blackboard MySlice. Search the School of What is a personal disclosure statement She received her Doctorate of Philosophy from please click for source University of Virginia. She holds the M. She is a member of the American Counseling Association as well as the national and state divisions of school counseling and counselor education and supervision.
Scarborough has training and experience in individual, group, and school counseling. This training and experience includes clients in age ranges from kindergarten to adulthood primarily with normal situational and developmental issues. Janna can provide supervision in these statement areas. She has worked in school settings for five years and university based counseling centers for approximately two years.
Janna has experience providing what is a personal disclosure statement supervision of practicing school counselors. In addition, she has experience in individual and group supervision of counselors-in-training working with legitimate clients in school and higher education settings. Scarborough approaches supervision from a collaborative framework.
Supervisory roles assumed by Dr. Scarborough include teacher, evaluator, consultant, personal disclosure counselor.
Janna follows a developmental approach what supervision primarily using the teacher role with novice supervisees and consultation with personal disclosure statement experienced supervisees. Audio and videotapes, live observation, and case report are all utilized in the supervision process.
Janna considers intentionality to be paramount in work as a counselor. As such, she works with what is a personal disclosure statement to become aware of the thoughts and feelings that continue reading with respect to the counseling relationship and process.
Facilitating this awareness, including attention to the motivation behind interventions, is an important aspect of her work. Statement addresses the issue of evaluation as what is a personal disclosure statement fundamental component of supervision.
She believes that evaluation is an ongoing process that what is a personal disclosure statement linked to care for what client, as well as the goals of the supervisee.
All evaluation criteria are introduced at the beginning of the supervisory relationship, serve as training objectives, and are used throughout the process as a basis for ongoing feedback. /choosing-a-dissertation-adviser.html the academic setting, this occurs at the mid-point and end of continue reading semester.
Supervisees are asked to provide their own self-evaluation as well. Supervisees are also asked to evaluate Personal disclosure statement.
what is a personal disclosure statement Scarborough as well as the supervision process. The general limits of confidentiality and privileged communication are what harm to self or others is clear and imminent, when child abuse, elderly abuse or abuse of persons with disabilities is suspected, or if personal disclosure statement proceedings compel the supervisor to testify.
Within the academic setting, confidentiality is not personal go here if there is compelling evidence that what supervisee is impaired or unable to provide competent counseling what is a personal disclosure statement.
In such instances, other faculty members are informed and the procedures established by the program are initiated.
Scarborough carries liability insurance and encourages her supervisees to carry insurance as well. Scarborough understands the value and importance of maintaining and enhancing professional skills. Therefore, she will periodically participate in supervision of her supervision. Scarborough will what is a personal disclosure statement supervisees through informed consent as to the purpose of her own supervision and that their actions may be discussed with the supervisor.
Supervisees are provided with Dr.
Supervisees are asked to personal disclosure statement Dr. Scarborough at home if an emergency occurs after hours. Scarborough also provides each supervisee with the names and phone numbers of agencies that respond to crisis situations.
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