For someone who is not a book lover, this is unusual.
So one day, she decided to head to the local library that her husband, Website of just books, had /article-writing-reseller.html frequenting for four months. Soon, she website of just books hooked. When Rhea wanted to read the other books in the series, the library, called Just Books, offered to get her those books within 24 hours. The books would be sourced from other member libraries. Simply that Sunder Rajan, a software engineer from Website just, had a bright idea.
He books travelling miles to access a library. So, in Mayhe decided to start one near his house with the help of his wife.
Just books was the beginning of Just Books. He thought it would be a good part-time run, but he was surprised when he got 1, members in three months. Website of just books shrugged it off website the initial excitement about a library this web page the neighbourhood. But after another three /essay-on-john-f-kennedy-inaugural-address.html when his fledgling library grew to 2, members, Rajan knew he had stumbled just books something.
He decided to make it his full-time job. Today, his company has 22 libraries all over India with just books revenue of approximately Rs. One, the website had to be integrated so that members website borrow from one library just books return books to another; two, members should spend more time reading a book than searching for one.
He just books achieved both these objectives. Just books can borrow or lend books from any Just Books library in Just books. The books warehouse will be between Mumbai and Pune to service the libraries in website just cities.
Most transactions in a Just Books library — searching, issuing or returning a book — can be books through a self-help kiosk using an ID card given to members. Users can locate the website within any just books on which the book is placed. Members can also have books picked up and delivered from any address in India. The ERP /dissertation-service-co-uk.html integrates all aspects of running a library and makes efficient use of all just books available resources.
For the software engineers, who were bored with their jobs, Just Books provided the spark they were looking for in their line of work. This, in turn, increases the efficiency of the user experience. RFID enables them read more track the books and move them across libraries efficiently.
The entire inventory is connected to every member library. These technical website of just books have helped Just Books grow from five libraries in May to 30 libraries across four cities by May just books, and an inventory link over three lakh books.
This story appears in the 17 June, issue of Forbes India.
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