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For print journals check the Examples or Undergraduate. See items under Resources on the menu bar below for tips, guidance, advanced search undergraduate dissertation and access to other specialised resources.
Bibliographic details and abstracts are available to all. Downloads dissertation examples be restricted to University of Portsmouth members dissertation examples must login. The University Library maintains a selection of student examples in electronic form.
See our policies and procedures for handling dissertations and requirements for acceptance. To quickly find dissertations by title or course, start typing keywords in the appropriate field below.
Any matches will be listed in a dropdown - the more you enter, the more precise the result. Click on any item on the list uk undergraduate dissertation examples select it.
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Find book shelf locations uk undergraduate dissertation examples classmark Classmark. Search the Library's web pages for keywords or phrases Library web pages search term Search. Downloads may be restricted examples University of Portsmouth members who must login The University Library maintains a selection of student dissertations in electronic form.
Stephens, Andrea Closing the achievement gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students: Penfold, Kirsty The uk undergraduate dissertation examples required and the challenges faced in the further education industry: Formosa, Laura Uk undergraduate dissertation examples research-use promoted in schools?: Carver, Karen Closing the leadership gender gap:
Listed below are some of the best examples of final year projects and dissertations from students at the University of Leeds. We have not been able to gather examples from all schools.
The School retains a number of undergraduate dissertations each year for learning and teaching purposes. The School retains a number of undergraduate dissertations each year for use in teaching and learning, and to celebrate the excellent quality of our students' research activities.
Since the Department of History at the University of Bristol has published the best of the annual dissertations produced by our final-year undergraduates. As a department, we are committed to the advancement of historical knowledge and to research of the highest order. Our undergraduates are part of that endeavour.
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