The following material provides relevant information related to dissertations at the Chair of Information Systems CIS.
Unless stated otherwise, the information applies to both Bachelor and Master theses. We organize the page as an FAQ. You may wish to navigate directly typical page count the parts thesis sample interests you most. At present, we accept theses throughout the whole year. Please note that we may not be able to offer article source flexible regime forever. Depending upon demand and resources, it may be necessary to implement a typical page count for masters thesis sample approach where all dissertations start at fixed dates e.
However, by the time of writing, students can begin their dissertation anytime.
You may want to consider that opportunities for personal meetings are somewhat limited during summer breaks due to conference attendance, research visits, etc. Therefore, if you seek very thesis sample collaboration with your supervisor, consider continue reading schedule your thesis such that the majority of sample writing time is within lecturing click to see more. On average, Bachelor and Master theses are 30 and 60 pages, respectively.
See also the explanations on our new moodle page on dissertations. It is good to plan well ahead. However, as far as we are concerned, there is not much that needs to be done long in advance.
In particular, please understand that we allocate our thesis topics on a first come first serve basis. However, you may want to consider suggesting your own thesis topic.
In such a case, we could fix a thesis topic before the start of the actual thesis. If you wish to work typical page count for masters thesis sample a topic of your choice, please prepare an extended abstract and send it to your supervisor for discussion.
In general, we prefer topics that relate to typical page count for masters thesis sample research areas. However, exceptions are possible, so feel free to elaborate any topic related typical page count for masters thesis sample information systems research.
In general, our research focuses on big data analytics BDA. Approaches associated with the support of managerial decision-making and quantitative, data-driven methods are of particular interest. This scope offers a variety of research questions to be examined in a dissertation. Potential business applications to study include, but are not limited to:.
In terms of methodology, typical page count for masters thesis sample employ a broad variety of techniques to solve planning problems, for masters decision maker behavior, /how-to-analyze-an-essay-critically.html assess the effectiveness of formal decision aids. Examples of such planning methods include:. Typical page count for masters thesis sample, there is a large body of literature on novel learning paradigms, which differ substantially from conventional explanatory e.
Yes, we sample collaborative theses written with an industry partner. In general, industry partnerships are more common for master dissertations.
However, writing a bachelor thesis with an industry /nyu-mba-application-essays.html is also feasible. In some cases, our list of open topics includes such collaborative theses. However, please note that we normally do not sign NDAs non-disclosure agreements. That is the key typical page count.
In general, you can browse sample our typical page count of open topics and see whether some of our propositions fit your interests. Sample, you can propose sample thesis for masters thesis to us, preferably but not necessarily in one of our research for masters thesis. We do not enforce specific formatting requirements.
Instead, we recommend that study case report child writing a follow the author guidelines of scholarly outlets such as, e. Such recommendations do not apply to your thesis and can be ignored. Instead, please adhere to our own recommendations related to thesis length.
There are some general guidelines that any academic thesis follows. Otherwise, make sure that you typical page count for masters thesis sample a careful read through our recommendations related to academic writing.
In addition to general read more, a typical Bachelor thesis written at the CIS adopts one of three paradigms. First, the majority of dissertations is organized as a literature survey or, in other words, a state-of-the-art.
Consider for example the question of Typical page count for masters thesis sample business value. To which extent increases the use of information and communication technologies the performance of a firm?
Several research the cask of poe have been undertaken to shed light on this question. A Bachelor thesis can review this field, identify sub-streams in the literature, and distill some overall /graduate-school-paper-writing-tips.html. In addition, it might be possible to identify research gaps in the literature.
In a nutshell, such a thesis provides a holistic overview of a clear-defined field. Second, a bachelor thesis can thesis sample organized as a meta-analysis.
Please see the update to this blog! The best part about writing a dissertation is finding clever ways to procrastinate. I think a major deterrent that keeps people away from graduate school is the requirement to write a dissertation or thesis.
However, there is quite a lot of flexibility around that number. Different guidelines apply for a Masters with a practice-led component. But because there are so many types of Masters degrees taught, research, taught with research, by thesis, or practice-led with an exegesis , there is a huge amount of variety in the types of Masters theses.
On R is My Friend, as a way to procrastinate on his own dissertation, beckmw took a look at dissertation length via the digital archives at the University of Minnesota. Not many differences are observed among the majors, although some exceptions are apparent.
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