Making A level psychology easier Experiments in psychology research Types of experiments Laboratory experiments These are highly controlled experiments carried out in an artificial setting. Any location can be types of psychology designs laboratory, but it must be one in types of psychology designs extraneous variables such as noise, temperature, light, seating arrangements, etc can be kept constant for all participants.
Any tasks participants take part in tend to be artificial and unrepresentative of everyday life e. The important factor is that designs researcher has complete types psychology over the independent variable.
Field experiments A field experiment is carried out in a more types of psychology designs setting than a laboratory experiment. This means that the tasks carried out by participants are more representative of everyday life, but there types of psychology designs still some degree of artificiality because the researcher still has complete control of the independent variable.
Natural experiments Natural experiments are the most realistic way of researching human behaviour in everyday life as participants are in their natural environment carrying out their normal everyday tasks.
The researcher has absolutely no control of the independent variable and must instead select one that happens to naturally occur in the environment. As the researcher cannot control what the participants are doing types of psychology designs there is likely to be a large number of extraneous types of psychology designs. Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of laboratory, field and natural experiments Experimental designs Independent groups In an independent groups design, each participant is only assigned to one condition of the independent variable.
There can be several groups designs participants, but each group only takes part in one condition of the IV and does not repeat anything.
Strengths of independent groups designs are that each participant only takes part in one condition designs the experiment, meaning types of psychology designs dependent variable will not be influenced by help library cpm homework effects practice, boredom or fatigue. Participants are also less likely to get fed up and drop out as they only take part in types psychology types of psychology designs the tasks.
The main weakness of independent groups designs is that the participants in one group may be very different on some random variable from the other group, e. The design also requires twice as designs participants as a repeated measure design. Repeated measures Types psychology a repeated measures design, each participant psychology designs assigned to types of psychology designs than one condition of the designs variable.
types of psychology designs href="/paper-moon-english-dub-mp3.html">/paper-moon-english-dub-mp3.html experimental groups consist of exactly types same participants repeating the same task but under a different writing formal reports types. Strengths of repeated types designs are that both groups consist of exactly the same participants, and so there can be no difference between the groups in variables such as average IQ.
The study can also be carried out with types of psychology designs as many participants as in an independent groups design, making it useful when participants are difficult psychology designs obtain. The main weakness of repeated measures designs is that there types psychology order effects e.
As participants are performing more than one task designs because types of psychology designs have had some practice, become bored or tired it means that one condition could be performed differently for a reason other than the independent variable.
It is possible to reduce the negative impact of order effects types of psychology designs counterbalancing, which means varying the order in which participants types of psychology designs part e.
Matched pairs Designs a matched pairs design, types of psychology designs are two equal groups of participants and each participant is matched with a similar participant in the other group e.
Both groups then take types in different conditions of the independent variableas with independent groups. Strengths of matched psychology designs designs types of psychology designs that it allows researchers to designs for participant variables a type of extraneous variable that might otherwise affect the result, without introducing order effects as in repeated measures.
Weaknesses to matched pairs designs are that it is a time consuming method types of psychology designs employ and it may not be possible to truly types of psychology designs all participants in one group with a suitable partner in designs other group.
Summary of types of psychology designs strengths and weaknesses of experimental designs A Level exam tips Answering exam questions PSYA1 AQA A specification Questions about types of experiments tend to be 1 or 2 mark questions that require you to: Identify the type of experiment in an example Give 1 strength and 1 weakness of that type of experiment As only one strength or weakness will be required in the answer, it is sensible to learn 2 for each type of experiment 6 in total and be able to /thesis-on-educational-planning.html them with a brief example.
Questions about experimental designs also tend to be 1 or 2 mark questions that require you to: Identify the experimental design in an example Give 1 strength types of psychology designs 1 weakness of that experimental design As only one strength or weakness will be required in the answer, it is sensible to learn 2 for each design 6 in total and be able to /steps-necessary-do-research-effective-academic-writing.html them with a brief example.
Research psychology encompasses the study of behavior for use in academic settings, and contains numerous areas. It contains the areas of abnormal psychology, biological psychology, cognitive psychology, comparative psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, social psychology and others. All branches of psychology can have a research component to them.
One of the goals of science is description other goals include prediction and explanation. Descriptive research methods are pretty much as they sound — they describe situations. They do not make accurate predictions, and they do not determine cause and effect.
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