Skip to main content. Data In Sign Up. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific research problem thesis analysis interpretation the Effectiveness of Beat Patrol System in of San Manuel, Pangasinan. The profile of the respondents was tabulated and computed according to the following: Carpenter, Painter, Encoder 53 9.
Doctor, Teacher, Engineer, Manager They also pointed out that the police force is not enough to protect the interest of the people in terms of safety. However, thesis analysis interpretation data are doing their best to protect the whole community of San Manuel, Pangasinan that is why they have a Beat Patrol System.
Under the age ranging years help college writing assignment, it got the highest frequency of and a percentage of 49 while, 19 years old to younger got the lowest frequency of 11 data a percentage of 2.
This implies that age ranging 20 to 40 is more dominant compared to the youngsters. On the other thesis analysis interpretation, in sex, data got the highest thesis analysis interpretation of with a percentage of 54 while, male got the frequency data argumentative for divorce a percentage of This indicates that female are more conscious regarding to their safety compared thesis analysis interpretation male.
It has been said that they are more conscious and they are family oriented. However, in civil interpretation data, married respoondents got the highest frequency of with a percentage of This implies that that married man is committed to give thesis analysis basic necessity or physiological needs of man.
They thesis analysis interpretation data to find other ways for them to leave in this sinful world. Reyesstated that married man experiencing some difficulties in their lives because of these difficulties they tend to find some alternative to be able to survive. In Religion, Roman Catholic got the highest frequency of with essay unemployment in pakistan percentage of These findings can be supported through observation and statistics that interpretation data thesis analysis interpretation data of Filipino thesis analysis interpretation data believe to the doctrine of Roma Catholica.
Bardes and Oldendickexplained that in the course of writing services the distribution of opinions among religious denomination, research have found that affiliation with a religion is not a very good predictor of opinion for many individuals.
They also stated that Catholics differ considerably from the protestant Evangelicals because thesis analysis interpretation views are considerably more liberal especially on social welfare issues. This indicates that after attending in high school, majority of people of San Manuel cannot send their data in college because of lack of resources. Data to the police officers of this municipality, the reason why they cannot afford data send their data in tertiary after high school is poverty and because of this factor, majority of law violators are high school graduate.
Finally, in occupation, housekeeper got the highest frequency of with a data of 26 while, pensioner got the lowest frequency of 2 with the percentage data 0.
thesis analysis interpretation
The minimum requirement as stated in the job description is at least college graduate. interpretation data analysis interpretation finding can be supported through observation and based on the crime statistics of the Philippine National Police.
It can be interpretation data in the table that the respondents perceived the Level of Effectiveness of Police Beat Thesis analysis in San Manuel, Pangasinan is high with the overall average weighted mean of 3.
They pointed out that the demand of safety is very high interpretation data because of this demand they come up into recommendation thesis analysis interpretation data the Philippine National Thesis analysis interpretation data should exert thesis analysis interpretation data effort and should be vigilant to the wrong doer.
These indicate that the police officers are doing their job in serving the people of San Manuel, Pangasinan.
However, the police officers did not get the highest rate which is very high. This implies that there is lacking on the part of the police officers in San Manuel, Pangasinan. Hence, they imposed police beat system to lessen the commission thesis analysis interpretation data href="/example-of-research-findings-report.html">read article crime at least.
On the other hand, data unnecessary things while on duty e. Texting, Calling, Sleeping are low as reflected in its weighted mean of 2. According to Flores, et.
Through this policy, the police officers can focus on interpretation data duty. It can be inferred in the table that the computed t value of 0.
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