An important theme in the film is the morality of war.
When a government murders and enslaves its own citizens, armed rebellion against that government is morally justified. Katniss the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay not want to be the symbol for the rebellion for two reasons: She is angry that the rebels did not rescue Peeta Mellark Josh Hutchersonand there is nothing personally at stake for her in the fight.
Her mother and sister are safe; she does not know if Peeta is dead or alive; and she appears to be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Katniss has neither the emotional strength nor the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay desire to be the Mockingjay.
She agrees to go to District 12 and is shocked by the death and destruction, falling to the ground in anguish. After seeing the human remains of thousands of innocent civilians, her heart is changed. On a /quality-assignment-help-global.html talk show, Peeta calls for a cease the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay, but Katniss understands that peace with Snow is the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay continue reading She now has something personally at stake in the fight against the Capitol: The rebellion against Snow is justified because he is killing and enslaving the people of Panem.
When he bombs a hospital, Katniss realizes the nature of his evil: After the hospital is destroyed, Katness addresses Snow the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay the Capitol in a video: What Mockingjay Part 1 says /paper-writing-service-reviews.html war is relevant to events in the world today. With Snow, there are only two options: Similarly, ISIS the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay its victims with only two options: Unfortunately, there is no political will among the American-led coalition to send soldiers to fight ISIS.
Western leaders are emotionally impacted by the deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq and Syria, but there is nothing personally at stake for them in the the hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay.
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Mockingjay — Part 1 has an important message for pacifists: There is a time when war is justified. Peaceful protests mockingjay part unlikely to lead essay freedom in a country ruled by an oppressive /life-essay-introduction.html. If a dictator is killing unarmed civilians, it may take more than international outrage and economic sanctions the hunger games stop him.
When diplomacy fails, war is sometimes the only way to achieve a lasting peace. View all posts by Christopher Lindsay.
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Skip to content Close Search for: Mockingjay The Hunger Games war. Published by Christopher Lindsay. Your comments are welcome! Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address games mockingjay part made public. The hunger Entry The Essay Knight: The hunger games mockingjay part 1 essay Entry Obsession with Perfection:
The hunger games is a novel that unfolds in Panem, an apocalyptic world. The story is centered on a year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen and her struggle for survival in dystopia. Each year, as a punishment for the failed rebellion by District 13, the 12 Panem Districts are forced to pay tribute to the ruthless Capitol regime.
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