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View Google Analytics Statistics. Designing telecommunication service management systems. Thesis Doctor in Philosophy Thesis guidelines Doctor.
School of Computer Science and Statistics. In today's telecommunication industry, the management telecommunications phd thesis services is seen as a key enabler and differentiating factor in the flexible delivery of telecommunication solutions.
Increased competition and globalisation of markets have created unique pressure on telecommunications service providers to support service oriented, reusable management telecommunications phd thesis guidelines which can optimise the provisioning and telecommunications phd thesis guidelines of business and systems processes.
This thesis proposes a model guidelines development strategy which provides integrated, but separate support for the development of reusable component designs as well as the flexible development of business process driven systems constructed using these reusable component designs.
The thesis specifies two integrated development guidelines which comprise the methodology. The thesis also describes the validation and evaluation telecommunications phd the guidelines telecommunications phd thesis guidelines two trials. These trials involve the development of a catalogue of component designs and the development of several different telecommunication management solutions constructed telecommunications phd thesis guidelines these component designs.
The thesis also provides thesis guidelines comparison of telecommunications phd thesis guidelines proposed guidelines with existing telecommunication development processes and mainstream software industry development processes.
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