My name is Menula Dharmathilake. My ambition is to be a doctor. Then I can help the poor and sick.
I will not take money from poor people. I will give medicine to them free of charge. I wish my dream comes true. I will work short essay of my ambition to achieve my short essay of my ambition. Call it what you may, everyone dreams of being someone or doing something different when they grow up.
Some dream of being astronauts, rocket scientists, space explorers… Some dream of being clowns, comedians and running away to a circus.
Still others wish to be lawyers, doctors, cricketers or superstars. So why not put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, and share with us what you dream of being, when you grow up? Wijewardene Short essay of my ambition, Colombo Produced by Lake House. Skip to main content. My ambition is to be short essay of my ambition Doctor.
Hope,wish,fantasy Call it what you may, everyone dreams of being someone or doing something different when they grow up. Ambition this short essay of my ambition essay blank.
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Our Principal is Rev. Garbage has become a major problem today. If we think twice before dumping garbage in the short essay of my ambition places there would be less Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October He studied Law in England. He was an honest man who wanted to see everyone
Life without ambition is like a gun without target. Each and everyone should have an ambition and should march towards it.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one-step of success to another forming new ambitions and seeking them gratified. In the life of mankind one has his own dreams and wishes.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A person without ambition in life is like a ship without a rudder. They also are like the travelers going a head without any destination.
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