Electrical engineering program information below is valid for the fall term September 1, - December 31, Graduate Studies Academic Calendars from previous terms can be found in the archives. Students are responsible for reviewing the general information and regulations section of resume phd Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
English language proficiency ELP if applicable. Needles Hallsecond floor, room Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
Skip to electrical engineering Skip to footer. Program information Admission requirements Degree requirements. Extensions beyond resume phd electrical engineering terms must be approved by the Faculty Graduate Studies Office. Admission to the program is resume phd electrical engineering upon the student's academic record and evidence of ability to pursue independent research.
At resume phd time of admission, each student must have a faculty supervisor who has endorsed the engineering for admission. A minimum of 4 courses 0. At least see more of the courses must be from the list of approved core resume phd electrical updated by the Department annually in one of the approved areas of specialization as specified in the student's letter of admission, unless this course requirement has already been achieved during a University of Waterloo Engineering and Computer Engineering MASc program.
Core courses may count towards this 2 course minimum. The choice of courses must meet with the approval of the supervisor. The faculty supervisor will consider resume phd electrical level and adequacy of each student's preparation in drawing up the candidate's program.
The first exam, the Engineering Comprehensive Examination, will be held engineering the end of the third resume phd electrical engineering fourth term if from an incomplete MASc.
The main objective of this examination is to satisfy the Department that the candidate has a broad knowledge of their field and a thorough technical background to pursue their research; resume phd electrical engineering candidate will be questioned on their background preparation. The second exam, the Comprehensive Proposal Examination, will be held no resume phd electrical engineering than the student's sixth term and only after the Background Comprehensive Examination has resume phd electrical engineering successfully completed.
The main objective of this examination is resume phd electrical engineering examine and approve the thesis proposal. The result of these examinations is the identification of an Advisory Committee which has examined and approved the candidate's background and thesis proposal and is willing to assist the supervisor with the subsequent research program.
The validity of the comprehensive examination expires after three years. Students who electrical engineering not complete either Comprehensive Examination by the stated deadline, or fail either exam see more its entirety, will be required to withdraw from the program. PhD Electrical engineering The aim of the seminar is to electrical engineering students to gain experience in preparing and presenting their work.
The seminar is to be held no later than the end of electrical engineering professional research writers year ninth term resume phd electrical engineering the initial registration in the program. Since this is electrical engineering intended to be an examination, the seminar presentation and the engineering communication, resume phd electrical be regarded as resume phd the seminar credit requirements. Students who do not complete the PhD Seminar by the stated deadline will be required to withdraw from electrical engineering program.
PhD Thesis The primary objective of resume phd papers version history is the accomplishment of independent and original research work persuasive essay outline smoking reporting thereon in a research thesis.
The requirements for the PhD degree are completed when the student successfully defends electrical engineering thesis before an Examination Committee. This committee should consist of the supervisor, three other members of the University at least one of continue reading should be resume phd electrical engineering outside the Department and an external examiner.
Faculty from other Departments who hold cross appointments in the Department are counted as departmental members in defining examining committees. Department of Electrical resume phd electrical engineering Computer Engineering website.
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