Over the past 45 years, the United States has poverty a rising standard of living, with real GDP per capita more than doubling research papers on poverty poverty In contrast, living standards among some groups seem to have stagnated. Although a number of studies have documented a correlation between poverty conditions research papers poverty, the relationship is not as simple, or as strong, as one might think.
What additional factors can explain the starkly different trends in economic well-being that are measured by overall GDP growth and the poverty rate? Other factors may better explain why the poverty rate has failed to fall.
Increasing income inequality—in particular stemming from declines in wages for less-skilled workers—may have limited the poverty fighting effects of research papers on poverty growth. Finally, the level of and changes in government benefits directed toward the nonelderly may explain why research papers on poverty nonelderly poverty rate has not moved in the same direction as click here poverty.
She has authored numerous scholarly articles focusing on low-income families.
A labor economist, she is an expert on intergenerational mobility research papers on poverty equality of opportunity in the United States. She has also worked on various issues poverty to the U.
She read more low income workers and labor markets, the incidence and effects of job loss, connections between economic shocks and health, and poverty and safety-net poverty. Her current work research papers returns to research papers on poverty education programs, the dynamics of EITC eligibility, and long-term research papers on poverty of labor force non-participation.
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