CC BY Show licence. Modeling the effects of pharmaceutical marketing Research output: View graph of relations Save citation.
Successful innovation of pharmaceutical drugs requires research paper on pharmaceutical marketing substantial amount of marketing support. There is, marketing, much concern about the effects of marketing expenditures on the demand of pharmaceutical products Manchanda et al.
For example, learn more here marketing could stimulate demand for products in the absence of a fundamental need.
It also has been suggested that increased marketing expenditures may reduce the price elasticity of demand and pharmaceutical marketing firms to charge higher prices Windmeijer marketing paper al. research paper
We determine which models perform research paper on pharmaceutical marketing in terms of predictive validity and pharmaceutical descriptions research paper on pharmaceutical marketing reality. We demonstrate, among others, that the effects of promotional efforts are brand specific and that most standardized models do not provide adequate descriptions of reality.
We find that marketing expenditures have no or moderate effects on demand for pharmaceutical products in The Netherlands.
Pharmaceutical marketing Modeling the effects of pharmaceutical marketing Rights statement: Creative Common License - Attribution. Keywords effects of pharmaceutical marketing, drug price elasticity, marketing model building.
Other links Link to publication in Scopus. By the same authors Mixed Signals: Effects of traditional advertising and social messages on brand-building metrics and customer acquisition De Vries, L.
Explaining consumer brand-related activities on social media: Computers in Human Behaviour. Challenges and solutions for marketing in a digital era Leeflang, P.
Does marketing importance of value, brand and relationship equity for customer loyalty differ between Eastern and Research paper cultures? From the same journal Organizational identification as research paper determinant of customer orientation in service organizations Wieseke, J.
Perceptual differences of marketing journals: Download statistics No data available. Aston Research Explorer Contact Policy. Working at Aston Jobs Staff intranet. Copy the text pharmaceutical marketing this field
It is often said that leading drug companies now spend more on marketing than on research and development [ 1 ]. While such contemporary pharmaceutical marketing practices are sometimes believed to be a modern phenomenon, they are in fact a direct continuation of 19th-century patent medicine advertising.
In addition to market share and The report provides test volume and sales projections for Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs.
There are a number of arguments that support this view, despite impediments to pharmaceutical marketing such as the prohibited dissemination of off-label information in the US, difficulties in estimating potential pharmaceutical demand, and the long time lag between demand assessment and the introduction of new drugs. For example, physicians are often slow to modify their prescribing practices, even when new evidence-based practice guidelines are issued by prestigious organisations.
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