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Dimensions of Experientialism for Software Engineering Education. Reid holmes phd thesis pdf the Cost of Regression Testing in Practice. Look for State Transitions in Temporal Data.
Do Onboarding Programs Work?
Synthesizing Knowledge from Software Development Artifacts. Ernst, Reid Holmes and Gordon Fraser. No Issue Left Behind: Reducing Information Overload reid holmes Issue Tracking. Enhancing Developer Situational Awareness. Phd thesis Patterns in Static Analysis Alerts: Improving Actionable Alert Ranking. Mining Modern Repositories pdf Elasticsearch.
Early Detection of Collaboration Conflicts and Risks. The Need For Qualitative Analytics. Personalizing Issue Tracking Source. Recommendations in the Small. Thesis pdf chapter in Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering.
Thesis pdf and Thomas Zimmermann. Making Sense of Online Thesis pdf Reid holmes phd. Systematizing Pragmatic Software Reuse. Ernst, and David Notkin. Improving IDE recommendations by considering global implications of existing recommendations. Mining Usage Data and Development Artifacts.
The Secret Life of Patches: A Firefox Case Study. Automatically locating relevant reid holmes phd thesis pdf help online. Revisiting Bug Triage and Resolution Practices. Proactive Detection of Collaboration Conflicts. Precise and Unobtrusive Conflict /how-to-write-a-good-application-7th-grade-math.html. Identifying Opaque Behavioural Changes.
Exploring Future Development Thesis pdf of Software. Recommending Relevant External Change Events. Visual Exploration of Source Code Examples.
Walker, and Joerg Denzinger. An Exploratory Study - Appendix. University of Reid holmes phd Technical Report. Developer-Specific Awareness of External Changes. Do developers search for source code examples using multiple facts?
Semi-Automating Pragmatic Reuse Tasks. A Tool for Rehydrating Evaporated Information. Informing Eclipse API production and consumption.
Supporting task-specific source code dependency investigation. Supporting the investigation and planning of pragmatic reuse tasks. Approximate structural context matching: An approach for recommending relevant examples.
I am broadly interested in the problems software engineers encounter as they create and evolve software systems and finding novel techniques to improve their effectiveness at these tasks. Software is a human product; as systems scale in size and complexity, the challenges that developers must overcome rapidly increase.
This paper list is no longer maintained; for current work, please visit my UBC page. Do Onboarding Programs Work? Synthesizing Knowledge from Software Development Artifacts.
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