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I have ebook purchase a dissertation journey ebook "how to" dissertations books than I care to admit. I was so excited when I saw that he finally put all of his tools in book format.
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A dissertation can be challenging, but this informative book helps you overcome the obstacles along the way. Using graphics, checklists, and sample forms, this guide readies you for each step of the process, including selecting the committee, getting acclimated to academic writing, preparing for your oral defense, and publishing your research. Carol is a speaker, consultant, and seminar leader specializing in organizational and team development, strategic planning, conflict resolution, coaching, and personal mastery.
How to reach the pinnacle of academic achievement The dissertation is a tough mountain to climb; half of all doctoral students never make it to the top. To overcome the practical, social, and psychological obstacles along the way, you need a knowledgeable guide and the right tools. This comprehensive how-to guide to developing and writing a quality dissertation provides:.
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