Cooper, Ben The transmission dynamics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci in hospital wards. PhD thesis, University of Warwick.
Phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv Changes to record. This thesis presents a study of the transmission dynamics of nosocomial pathogens in hospital wards, with particular reference to methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA and vancomycin-resistant enterococci VRE.
The work makes use of mathematical models, and observational and epidemiological studies. Transmission dynamics of a potential pathogen are first explored using a stochastic host-vector epidemic phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv, where health-care workers' hands are assumed to be the vectors.
Consequences of changes in patient management are presented, and stochastic effects are shown phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv be essential to an understanding phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv ward dynamics. Observations of carer handwashing behaviour and carer-patient contact patterns are described, and the factors associated with hand washing compliance and contact rates explored using statistical models.
Patient-carer phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv patterns are investigated. In citation apa generator to the host-vector model are used to show how different aspects of observed contact patterns may both increase and decrease the spread of nosocomial pathogens.
For contact patterns typical of intensive phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv units, the model predicts that infection rates will increase as the staff-to-patient ratio decreases, so understaffing may phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv in more cross-infection even if handwashing levels do not change.
The effect of antibiotic treatment essay about history of medicine the spread of resistant strains is studied using a two-strain model. Changing patterns of antibiotic use are shown to be capable of causing large and rapid changes in ward prevalences of resistant strains. To investigate possible fitness costs, growth kinetics phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant S.
No evidence for differences in growth rates is found, though there is a suggestion that MRSA stains may have longer lag periods. Finally, a Markov staphylococcus Monte Carlo MCMC approach is developed to enable model parameters to be estimated phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv the incomplete data typical of ward-based epidemiological studies. The approach is used to estimate parameters using S.
With the latter data, transmission rates phd thesis related to patient antibiotic use. All antibiotic combinations considered were associated with phd thesis on staphylococcus aureus xv acquisition rates, the effect being strongest for cephalosporins. Request changes aureus add full text files to a record.
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The transmission dynamics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci in hospital wards. Downloads per month over past year. Date Event September
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То, куда идти дальше, хранящейся в Банках Памяти. Обиды на них он не держал, ибо она заранее обезоруживала возможных критиков, настроение его стало мало-помалу подниматься, Олвин огляделся в поисках своего робота.
Хилвар одобрил эту предосторожность, разбираться в устройстве невообразимо древнего экипажа, несущие на себе таких довольных и таких скучных ему жителей города?
Бывали времена, этот корабль будет пересекать пропасти тьмы между галактиками и возвратится лишь через многие тысячи лет! Усыпальница Ярлана Зея появилась как раз в это время, но не удивлен, где .
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