Market orientation at universities.
Construct and exploratory validation. Construction et validation exploratoire.
Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid E-mail: Faced with a panorama of growing competitiveness in which universities are forced to get resources on their own, the concept of market orientation can be seen as a solution backed by ample literature. However, the existing literature is based principally on the profit-making sector with the publications in the educational field being still scarce. The purpose of check this out exploratory research is to develop and validate a market orientation measure in a sampling of Spanish universities.
The scale integrates and expands the theoretical proposals from previous research; it shows acceptable levels of reliability and validity while allowing the setting-up of future lines of research in phd thesis on marketing management orientation area. This recognition has been translated in numerous research studies destined to improve its definition as construct, upon assessing its impact on the results of a phd thesis on marketing management orientation and studying its applicability in different sectors.
The study of MO in the field of education is important because universities face new competitive situations for which they are not prepared.
However, and in here of these demands, the review of the literature shows that these institutions still do not have available valid models that help them phd thesis be more competitive in the education sector. Srikanthan y Dalrymple, In order to fill this void, we present exploratory research with the following objectives: Our study is based phd thesis on marketing management orientation a sampling of Spanish universities.
Several reasons justify our choice. Secondly, Phd thesis on marketing management orientation universities are faced with a competitive situation marked by an increase in both national and international educational offers, the reduction of enrolment and the opening of the European Space of Higher Education Castillo y Trabadela, In order to achieve our objectives, the article uses the following structure.
In the first part we justify our model and MO operationalization marketing management orientation. In the second part, we present our approximation methodology as well as the main characteristics of the marketing management orientation and the questionnaire used in the research. Afterwards, we analyze the results obtained after validating the model.
In this part we also phd thesis on marketing management orientation the relationship between our MO model and the obstacles of its organizational development, such as external validation learn more here the research. Finally, in the last part, phd thesis on marketing management orientation conclusions and the future lines for possible MO research in the education sector are pointed out.
A revision of marketing management orientation literature shows that publications dealing with MO are characterized by the difference of opinion between authors with regards to the nature and focus of MO. Whereas for others, both approaches describe the implementation of the concept of marketing marketing management orientation the organization Wrenn, For other authors, publications dealing with MO can be put together marketing management orientation a cultural perspective.
Similarly other authors remind phd thesis that this construct has not phd thesis on marketing management orientation validated in publications dealing with MO and that their perceptions are solely based on that of management more than on the assessment management orientation cultural values marketing by the organization Homburg y Pflesser, see more Finally, after summarizing the most important attempts to define MO, some authors conclude that the construct is difficult to define and they recommend studying what makes up an MO in more depth Lafferty y Hult,given that this is phd thesis on marketing management orientation field of /essays-on-canadian-identity.html which remains in read article evolution Harris, and that the measurement scales must still be improved Farrell, The literature about the application of MO in the education field is /how-to-buy-term-papers-online-bukedde.html characterized by the diversity of perspective and by the scant theoretical and empirical development.
The main divergence is found in the fact that some consider that MO is not appropriate for profit-making organizations Marketing management orientation y Kotler, ; Graham, ; Harding, Marketing management orientation these differences, in the literature we find some publications about the different aspects of MO in education.
At the same, the benefits of MO and the way to implement its management orientation in our schools have been here Oplatka y Hemsley-Brown, These marketing management orientation coincide in pointing out the need to expand the concept of MO to the variety of clients that educational organizations have. However, these publications about MO in here are not without criticism as these publications have the same defects as those identified in the MO literature in the money- making sector Brady y Johnson,
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