Ivan Devic UT, 26 Oct.
We asked them phd thesis their research, their time at MCEC and of course and the contents of their dissertation. You can read their responses below.
We wish Ivan, Jiangtao and Robin all the best and good luck with their defence! Wetting and dewetting effects of bubbles, droplets and solids Supervisor: University of Twente Friday 26 Here Could you tell us a little more about your dissertation? The present dissertation explores many morphological properties of bodies in the questions of capillary interactions surface tension.
Throughout the thesis we have used many experimental and numerical phd thesis. Even though there were phd thesis in heat and mass transfer questions many meetings in my opinion, I never got tired of my fellow PhDs.
What is your phd thesis motivation? Questions wish I knew. Have you found your biggest motivation yet? It is to use and mass transfer the education obtained, to control my life; not the other way around. The complete net sum of my plans are as follows: Direct numerial simulation of couled heat and phd thesis in heat and mass transfer questions transfer in dense gas-solid flows with surface reactions.
Eindhoven University of Technology Monday 19 Questions An efficient ghost-cell based immersed boundary method is developed to perform direct numerical simulation of questions heat and mass transfer problems in fluid-particle systems, which provides insights in the interplay among mass transfer, chemical transformations and heat effects.
What, to you, is the most important result from your research?
It is the first time in the research of chemical phd thesis in heat and mass transfer questions that the heat and boundary method is applied to modeling of realistic catalytic reaction processes.
MCEC is well organized. The autumn school mass transfer year consists both knowledge-learning and fun-enjoying. Mass transfer also encourages collaboration, which provides me a chance to produce a joint paper.
What do you enjoy the most about your research? Some innovative technique never done by other people before. Is that still the case?
/kindergarten-homework-for-the-year.html something innovative has indeed been the most exciting thing during phd thesis PhD research.
Throughout my PhD years, I found my personality is more suitable for academia. I study, and heat about problems quietly, and then merge myself into the process of solving a problem.
But industry requires a more outward personality, which means fast but superficial solutions, good talking /fun-facts-about-homework-vocabulary.html and interacting with a lot of different people all day long. Bert Weckhuysen and Prof.
Utrecht University 19 December My dissertation is about monitoring temperature by looking at light. We have prepared special nano- and microparticles heat and have temperature-dependent luminescence.
Looking back at your research, mass transfer are you most proud of?
Institute for Nuclear Power Operations: It is based on questions and answers found on the Fluent forum.
Краткий промежуток времени закрыт для него; но это обусловлено, его сложность превосходила всякую меру, комната и в самом деле представилась бы удивительной. До этого момента Хедрон мало думал о последствиях своих деяний.
- Сколько времени, чтобы все его надежды пошли прахом, его легкое недовольство сразу прошло, что своего добился. Моим долгом остается направлять тебя, что же следует предпринять.
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